Figure 7.51.8 . Example of a signed shared roadway .
is shared by both bicyclists and motorists .
• When a bike route is provided adjacent to parallel parking , the appropriate “ share the road ” signage is required to inform motorists that the travel lane is shared among vehicles and bicyclists and the minimum combined lane width shall be 14 ’ -0” ( Figure 7.51.8 ).
• Arrows should be spaced approximately 200 feet on center , with the first arrow on each block or roadway segment placed no further than 100 feet from the nearest intersection .
• When a shared lane is greater than 16 ’ -0” wide , a bike lane shall be striped to avoid undesirable operation of two motor vehicles in one lane .
• The signed shared roadway should direct bicyclists to other bicycle facilities .
• Signage should direct bicyclists to particular destinations such as parks , schools , or commercial districts .
• Where possible , the shoulder improvements and wider curb lanes can increase the comfort level of bicyclists using a shared lane facility .
Figure 7.51.9 . Examples of Bike Route Signage
Chapter 7 : Design Guidelines | 7-21