Policy / Administrative Action Steps
Consider Adoption of this Plan The most important action step for the City of Arlington is to adopt , publicize , and champion this Plan . This should be considered the first step in implementation . Through adoption of this document and its accompanying maps as the City ’ s official bicycle , pedestrian , and trails plan , Arlington will be better able to shape transportation and development decisions so that they fit with the goals of this Plan . Most importantly , having an adopted Plan is extremely helpful in securing funding from state , federal , and private agencies . Adopting this Plan does not commit the City to dedicate or allocate funds , but rather indicates the intent of the City to implement this Plan over time , starting with these key action steps .
Create an Implementation Strategy The City of Arlington should develop an internal strategy to implement the Hike and Bike System Master Plan . As a part of this strategy , the City should identify specific individuals and program areas that will be responsible for implementing the various aspects of the Plan from day-to-day efforts to long range goals . The City of Arlington should also consider establishing a Hike and Bike Advisory Committee ( HBAC ) to assist in implementation . Such a committee should focus on education , advocacy , partnerships , events and community service . It should provide a communications link between the citizens and the City , as well as an avenue for reviewing / revising project priorities .
Consider Adoption of a “ Complete Streets ” Policy There is a growing national trend towards integrating bicycling , walking and transit as a routine element in roadway projects . This movement has developed under the name of “ Complete Streets ,” which is defined by the Complete the Streets Coalition as follows :
“ Complete Streets are designed and operated to enable safe access for all users . Pedestrians , bicyclists , motorists and bus riders of all ages and abilities are able to safely move along and across a complete street .”
- www . completethestreets . org
By adopting a “ Complete Streets ” policy , the City of Arlington commits to developing new roadways and reconstructing existing roadways to accommodate all users .
10 | Executive Summary