Implementation : Realizing the Vision
Implementing the recommendations within the Hike and Bike System Master Plan will require leadership on the part of the City of Arlington and a dedication to the development of a hike and bike friendly community . The City of Arlington has several opportunities that can help propel implementation :
• First , is the extensive grassroots interest among citizens and local groups such as “ Bike Friendly Arlington ( BFA )” and “ Friendly Arlington Neighborhoods and Streets ( FANS )” that can provide a voice and support for the Plan . An advocacy group should champion this Plan to support implementation .
• A second opportunity is building upon Arlington ’ s great system of existing greenways , sidewalks , and destinations .
• A third opportunity is to take advantage of the region ’ s growth by developing the hike and bike system as part of future development and construction . These opportunities provide a base and starting point for development and implementation .
Implementing the recommendations of this Plan will require a combination of funding sources that include local , state , federal , and private money . It will be necessary for the City of Arlington to secure funding to undertake the short-term , top priority projects while simultaneously developing a long-term funding strategy to allow for continued development of the overall system . Community foundations and revenue-generating programs for the hike and bike system should also be utilized to raise funds for development and maintenance .
Trail bridge at River Legacy Park
Executive Summary | 9