Hidden Causes - a Psychological Approach to Learning Detailed Ver. | Page 21

Sometimes, students tend to experience difficulties during studying. This is one of the reasons why they are less motivated to study. Most of the time people just see these difficulties just as something that isn't very important, some even see it as the students being lazy and not trying hard enough. However, sometimes these difficulties may lead to something serious that might affect you a lot in the long run. Learning disabilities is a term used to describe the difficulties that are experienced by some people, especially students. In 2010, there are approximately 2.9 million school-aged children in the U.S that are diagnosed with having a specific learning disorder. The tricky thing about these disabilities is that they don’t have a specific symptom that can determine which disability does a person has, as there are various types of learning disabilities. This cannot be compared to having a mental disorder as there are many factors affecting this, such as problems during pregnancy and genetic disorders. learning disabilities Dyslexia (learning disability in reading) Basic reading problems occur when a student has a difficulty in understanding the relationship between sounds, letters, and words. These problems occur when the child experiences the inability to understand the meaning of words, phrases, and paragraphs. Dyscalculia (learning disability in math) Learning disabilities in math depends on the child's other strengths and weaknesses. A child that has a math-based learning disability might have problems with memorization, the organization of numbers, and operation signs. Dysgraphia (learning disability in writing) This specific learning disability involves the physical act of writing or understanding information. The basic disorder of writing is difficulty in forming words and let ters. The specific difficulties that might be experienced include ◦ Copying letters and words accurately ◦ Spelling ◦ Organization in writing ◦ Neatness and consistency of writing Hidden Causes - 17