Hidden Causes - a Psychological Approach to Learning Detailed Ver. | Page 16
As teenagers, schoolwork follows you around everywhere. Just when you think
you're done with school, your teacher gives you one more assessment. This takes
toll on many things, your social life, your body, and your mental health. A person's
mental health is determined through the balance that they have in all aspects of
life; social, physical, spiritual, economic, and mental. At times, this balance may be
tipped towards one direction and it takes time to find the right balance again.
Determining these balances differs between each person. Keeping your mental
health healthy means that you have control over the balance.
Build a healthy self-esteem
Self-esteem is more than seeing good
qualities. It is the ability to see all of your
weaknesses and abilities together,
accepting them, and doing the best with
what you have. Make friends who count
Making friends help you understand that
you are not alone. They help by sharing
your ups and downs and you help them
in turn.
Building Confidence
Take a good look at your good points.
What do you do best? Where are your
skills and interest areas? We let our
strengths shine and we build on our
weaker points to help us mature and
grow. Get involved
Being involved in things that we like and
care gives us a great feeling of purpose
and satisfaction. Remember that you are
making a difference, No matter how big
or small your efforts are.
Receive and Give
Accepting compliments from others help
us feel good. We tend to have trouble in
accepting kindness from others. We
often answer with the bad points that we
have and let ourselves down. Cope with changes that affect you
Search out support groups that are
dealing with the issues that you're
facing. By teaming up with them, you
may find a fresh solution.
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