By: Karina León
"A simple act of kindness can
make a tremendous impact
on a person's life."
How many of you have thought of
donating your hair? In the year of
2010 in Mexicali the numbers of
d eath of breast cancer increase a
40%. Now a days is the first type of
cancer that appear in women at
Mexico. Many persons wants to
support this women by donating
money, their hair and buying things
at foundations that support this type
of cancer. My name is Karina Leon
and I will tell you my personal
experience about donating my hair.
2 years ago I was 15 years old, I was in
first semester and the campaign of
the CETYS queen was happening,
but there was a foundation named
“Mujeres que viven”.
That was working in the campaigns,
showing themselves at the “berbena”
of every candidate putting their
stands and cutting the hair of the
girls that where donating it.