Internet works by transmitting information packets on the network. For that
internet works with IP addresses. IP addresses are numbers that identifies
each server, computer or device connected to the Internet. Internet has 4
billion IP addresses (IPv4). The purpose for IoT is to make all these mobile and
not mobile devices communicate with each other. For this it is necessary to
use the IPv6 protocol. But talking about Internet of all Things, its not unusual
that mobile and not mobile devices have reached the limit. That's why IoT now
works with IPv6, which are addresses of 128 bits that means there are 340
sextillions of numbers that can be assigned to devices.
The Internet of Things will change the lives of people of as it's known at this
moment. "Cisco estimates the IoT will consist of 50 billion devices connected
to the Internet by 2020" (CISCO). And it is starting right now, for instance now
clocks not only give us the time, but also connect to the Internet to exchange
data with external servers.
Now it's time to think about what's going on in the future. Internet of
things will get easier people's life. Right now are only cell phones,
computers, tablets etcetera. But how far it will get? Internet of Things
is going forward and will be so far from the imagination of people. A
new age, that people cannot imagine, is going to happen, maybe not
now or in a few months but it will happen maybe in 3 years or very