3.6 Using tools to help the survivors in our five stories
Aim . To show how the toolbox can be used to deal practically with the trauma reactions of survivors in the five stories . The tools are listed inside notes alongside the stories .
3.6.1 Ibrahim , 17 , Afghanistan . How tools help .
Although Ibrahim is safe now , he struggles with dissociation , depression , guilt and shame , nightmares , triggers , and flashbacks .
To deal with these trauma reactions , the helper can :
• Provide social support .
• Listen and be present to rebuild trust .
• Provide psychoeducation .
• Share the dragonfly metaphor and other metaphors and stories .
• Teach grounding exercises .
• Encourage Ibrahim to retake control of his history and life .
• Suggest physical activities .
• Provide access to skills and training .
When Ibrahim escaped , he arrived in a foreign country with a different culture . On top of the difficulties that he faced as a result of his abuse , he felt very lonely . He was placed in a house with other young asylum seekers . Being with them helped him a lot . They too had had difficult experiences and he understood that he was not alone and that his experience was not unique . The adults in the house were present when he had bad dreams and were ready to listen to him . He began to regain trust in other people . Finally , he decided that he was ready to talk about his worries and did so at his own pace . The adults took time to explain to him what he had experienced and why he suffered as he did . At first this information scared Ibrahim . He had always been told that he was responsible for everything that had happened in his life . Now he was taken seriously , and he felt seen .
The helper told Ibrahim that many men who have erections or ejaculate during their assault may be confused , wonder what this means , and find it unacceptable . He underlined that having physiological responses did not in any way imply that he wanted , invited , or enjoyed the assault . 68 It had been difficult for Ibrahim to deal with the guilt and shame he felt about becoming sexually aroused . It was a great relief to understand that these were normal physiological reactions in such situations , which did not imply consent or willing participation .