The minefield metaphor can be used to illustrate reactions to danger and fear . In a minefield there are dangers everywhere , but you do not know exactly where they are . When you cross it , your concentration is intense , the tension extreme . It is only when you have crossed the field and are safe again that you feel the reactions . This metaphor captures the experience and reactions of people who have lived under constant threat . While their life is in danger , they have little room to feel ; but when the danger has passed , they are flooded by intense fear and other emotions .
Important to remember
It is very important to choose an appropriate metaphor . Always consider the survivor ’ s background . For example , the next metaphor of the bathing duck and the wooden raft might trigger migrants who crossed the sea in an open boat .
Bathing ducks
Imagine a pool . Down in the depths , you see a duck struggling to swim to the surface . It is stuck ( bad memories ). You swim down , find the weeds that have entangled it , and free it ( conversation , grounding exercises ). The duck swims upwards . It is naturally buoyant . It will float to the surface as soon as it is “ set free ”.
Wooden raft
Imagine a man far out at sea on a flimsy wooden raft . The waves hit him , sometimes big waves , sometimes small ones . He floats further and further out but continues to paddle for the shore with his hands . The effort is exhausting .
Now imagine that the man has oars to row with . He can make better progress and the waves are easier to handle . Imagine too that he has a friend on the raft who rows with him and shows him how to row well . Working together they gradually approach the shore .
Questions to reflect on
• Think about the dragonfly metaphor and the other metaphor stories . Do they help you to work with survivors ?
• How could they be adapted to fit the situation of the survivors more appropriately ? Try to find examples .
Exercise . Role play . Using metaphors or stories to talk about trauma experiences .
Ask a colleague to practise how to talk to a survivor about his trauma experience without requiring him to tell his own story . Choose a metaphor or one of the five stories or another relevant experience . Remember to brush off your roles and return to being yourselves when the role play is over . Discuss how you experienced being a helper or a survivor . What worked well and what would you possibly do differently ?