Blaming themselves and making themselves responsible for what happened and thinking about how they might have prevented or mitigated their assault , can be an attempt to recover control over their lives . Nevertheless , sexual violence is always an abuse of power , always a violation of rights , and the abuser is always responsible for it .
Questions to reflect on
• Consider your own attitudes to men who have been abused by women .
• Is it something that is difficult to talk about ?
2.5 Traumatic events and changes in perceptions of the world and oneself
Aim . To describe some of the fundamental changes that may occur after traumatic experiences .
2.5.1 Basic assumptions
Psychologists have studied how trauma affects “ basic assumptions ”, or our general understanding of the world . Professor Ronnie Janoff-Bulman 43 developed a theory of “ shattered assumptions ”, which proposed that traumatic events change survivors ’ basic assumptions and ideas about life . Specifically , she suggested that trauma throws in doubt three core assumptions : ( 1 ) that the world is benevolent ; ( 2 ) that life is meaningful ; and ( 3 ) that I have value .
In other words , traumatic experiences often cause people to feel that the world is less safe and that they are more vulnerable , unprotected and less valuable . Psychiatrist and researcher Judith Herman 44 has suggested that people experience trauma as an attack on their value system , and a threat to their belief in and perception of reality as well as their basic conception of themselves , others and life in general . In this sense , traumatic events raise doubts about the viability of human relationships . Such doubts can destroy family connections , friendships , love , and ties to society . They affect how survivors perceive themselves because their perception of themselves is shaped and maintained by relations with others . They challenge values and belief systems that give life meaning and can throw the survivor into an existential crisis .
These challenges strongly affect boys and men who have been subjected to sexual violence . When survivors of sexual violence no longer believe the world is benign , this affects all their relationships and induces a pessimistic and cynical attitude both to people and the future . Helpers should expect to find that it is difficult to inspire trust , however much they demonstrate their goodwill and reliability .