HHRI_men_ENG_web1 | Page 21

The story shows that Louis :
• Was caught in an armed conflict between government forces and rebel groups .
• Was beaten and sexually tortured .
• Feels deep sorrow due to losing his closest family and his home .
• Fled because of fear of being killed or violently injured .
• Lived in a refugee camp but was constantly stressed because he was afraid that he might be sent back .
• Is eventually granted residence in a peaceful country .
Louis lived in a village in his own house , with his children and wife . He earned enough to support his family . They had a small field and a few cows and grew vegetables which they sold in the local market . There had been a conflict in the country for many years between the government and a rebel group , but he tried to avoid politics , so his everyday life was quite peaceful .
Nevertheless , government soldiers came to his home late one night . Louis ’ father had quarrelled with a local politician over a piece of land . Louis later assumed that he became a target because of this . The soldiers accused him of supporting the rebels : “ You support the opposition , and you will pay for that . You aren ’ t man enough to defend yourself .”
Louis and his father begged the soldiers not to harm his family , but they did not listen . Louis was big and strong , but he could not defend himself against all the soldiers at the same time . Eventually he just closed his eyes and heard the family scream until everything went quiet . He felt terrible pain in his groin and then everything turned black .
He woke up after being operated on at the nearest hospital . He remembered little of what had happened . The priest at the hospital told him that he would never be a “ true man ” again and that he could not have children anymore . He was told to expect persistent pain , and that his body would not function as it had done before . He felt that he had no choice but to leave the country . He had lost his close family , his home , everything . And he feared the soldiers were still after him .
Louis fled via Cameroon to Nigeria , then Algeria . Travelling across the Sahara Desert was very dangerous . Several died on the way . In Algeria , he found some labouring jobs , but he was constantly scared because there were regular raids and those taken were sent back to the desert . He eventually made his way to a refugee camp in Morocco where he lived for several years with great difficulty .
At last , after more than ten years , Louis was granted residence in a peaceful country as a quota refugee . Now he had to start all over again . With a little optimism , he settled down and got to know a woman who came from a country near his own . They began a new life together .
With the aid of local helpers , he learned the language and began taking training courses , quite successfully . He felt well integrated and was happy with life . The focus now was to make money , get a house with his partner , and pursue their new life .

Louis , Democratic Republic of the Kongo