HHE Pathology 2019 | Page 5

FIGURE 3 Mean DLP data for octreotide SPECT/CT examinations in four body regions for the moderate dose mode on the T16 SPECT/CT scanner 15 (mGycm) Thick black markers indicate the mean Thin lines inside the boxes indicate the median Dashed line indicates the proposed NDRL for localisation (moderate dose mode) Boxes indicate the fi rst and third quartiles Whiskers indicate the smallest and largest values 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Abdo (15) Abdo/Pelvis (14) Chest/Abdo/Pelvis (32) Head/Chest/Abdo/Pelvis (10) Body Region (Number of Patients) It is certainly possible to develop systems for patient dosimetry audit in nuclear medicine CT, but auditors must be aware of the additional complications that may not be familiar to those primarily working in diagnostic radiology not found in conventional CT, and so there was more to consider. In discussions between diagnostic radiology and nuclear medicine physicists, two additional considerations were identifi ed; dose mode and body region. Dose mode accounts for the fact that different CT scans had different purposes; for some the CT data was simply used for attenuation correction and so a lower CT dose is needed. Others are full diagnostic quality CT scans, needing higher doses. Table 1 summarises the four dose modes in use in our hospital’s nuclear medicine department. Body region arises due to the use of SPECT-guided CT, in which only the part of the body of interest on the SPECT scan undergoes CT. This is to be encouraged, as it means that the patient’s exposure to X-rays is limited, but does also mean that CT scan lengths vary according to what is scanned and we begin to see descriptions which resemble diagnostic radiology CT; head, t-spine, abdomen and so on as well as the dose mode and examination type. So we must break down the data in order to audit and compare like-for-like. Unfortunately not all of these additional data are captured as standard in CRIS downloads, our standard source of data for patient dosimetry audit. CRIS records captured the nuclear medicine examination type and DLP, so paper records completed after each scan had to be modifi ed to capture dose mode, body region and the scanner used. Figures 2 and 3 give selected results from this initial audit, 15 which highlight some important points. Figure 2 clearly shows that the different dose modes result in signifi cantly different doses, and so they must be considered separately in 5 HHE 2019 | hospitalhealthcare.com order to complete a reliable audit. This also highlights that the NDRLs are currently somewhat limited in that they do not fully consider the range of scan purposes, although of course it must be acknowledged that there are limited data currently available and this will hopefully improve in time. While Figure 3 should be treated with some caution as the numbers of patients are quite low, there is still some useful insight to be gained. There does appear to be a trend that the CT scans covering more than the chest, abdomen and pelvis or more give notably higher doses (and consistently exceed the proposed NDRL). This is to be expected, as longer scans of course give larger DLPs. This raises the question of is there a genuine concern about this exceeded NDRL? This NDRL is set for octreotide examinations, and would therefore represent a collation and average across all body regions scanned. It seems unfair therefore to apply it to longer scans, as they are achieving their clinical aim but will inherently struggle to work within DRLs set based on shorter scans. Further study of the NDRL publication 13 reveals that the octreotide data used in this national audit are based primarily on CT scans of the abdomen, meaning that it may not be appropriate to apply the NDRL for longer scans. This highlights the need to consider body regions separately when carrying out the audit. Overall there are a number of challenges in patient dosimetry audit for nuclear medicine CT. Far fewer nuclear medicine CT scans are carried out compared with radiology CT, and the need to subdivide the data into dose modes and body