HHE Pathology 2019 | 页面 4

FIGURE 2 (mGycm) Mean DLP data for bone SPECT/CT lumbar spine examinations in the four dose modes on the T16 scanner 15 Quote here SPECT/CT kpkp pk pkpk pk ppkp Thick black markers pk indicate the mean pkpk pkpk pk Boxes indicate the fi rst and third quartiles Thin lines inside the boxes indicate the median Whiskers indicate the smallest and largest values kpkp pk pkpk Dashed line indicates the proposed NDRL for pk localisation (moderate dose mode) ppkp pk pkpk 1800 pkpk pk kpkp pk pkpk pk ppkp 1600 pk pkpk pkpk pk 1400 kpkp pk pkpk pk ppkp pk pkpk 1200 pkpk pk kpkp 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Low (5) Moderate (24) Standard (33) Metal (12) Dose Mode (Number of Patients have identifi ed scanners with subtly different imaging protocols and tube-current modulation not being switched on! When there can easily be dozens or more protocols set up on CT scanners, it is usually impractical to check each one line-by-line and compare across every scanner, but simple setup errors will go on to infl uence doses for many patients. Using patient dosimetry audit to identify such issues and harmonise protocols and practices helps identify and avoid the situation of patients receiving signifi cantly different radiation doses depending on which scanner they happen to fi nd themselves on. In some cases, it might be justifi ed for a particular scanner to have different protocols, and therefore give different doses to others, perhaps because it is used for different clinical conditions (for example, trauma scans). But where there is no such reason, harmonisation of protocols is a simple means of dose optimisation. CT is also used as standard outside of diagnostic radiology such as in nuclear medicine TABLE 1 CT dose modes developed for nuclear medicine in order of increasing dose Dose mode Low Moderate Standard Metal CT purpose Attenuation correction Localisation Diagnostic CT Patients with orthopaedic implants 4 HHE 2019 | hospitalhealthcare.com (with SPECT/CT and PET/CT being routine) and radiotherapy (for treatment planning scans and on-board imaging for verifying patient positioning prior to treatment). Only in the past few years has there been progress in establishing patient dosimetry audit in these areas. 8–12 In encouraging recent progress, the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM) has established working parties that undertook national audit and published data for nuclear medicine CT 13 and radiotherapy planning CT, 14 the results of which were subsequently adopted as UK NDRLs. 5 This gives very useful data for local results to be compared against. The rest of this discussion will be on the efforts based at RRPPS to establish local systems for patient dosimetry audit in these areas, including some of the challenges we encountered and the solutions developed. In the future, it is hoped similar work will be carried out for radiotherapy on-board imaging as well. Nuclear medicine CT The full results of the initial patient dose audit were published in the British Journal of Radiology 15 based on the proposed NDRLs which were available at the time. 16 Data were collected for adult patients on two SPECT/CT Scanners (Siemens Symbia T & T16) over November 2014–July 2016 and for a PET/CT scanner (Siemens Biograph mCT Flow) over April–August 2016. Initially, we based the audit on the nuclear medicine examination type (bone scan, parathyroid, etc) as this matches how the NDRLs were set out. However, it soon became apparent that nuclear medicine CT has some complications