HHC Centre An Insider's Guide To Psychotherapy | Page 6

Psychotherapy: 3 Ways to Be Kinder to Your Brain A New Person Dedicated to Your Emotional Needs ◦ Psychotherapy involves sitting down in meetings with a licensed professional that has received years of training in how to help others. Just like any new person, it can take a little while to establish a good personal connection that makes you want to share your difficulties and receive feedback. They are not there to judge; they listen to what you have to say and provide their input. Therapists view that time in your session as yours. You can discuss whatever you want and they listen. They will, however, tell you when your thought patterns are unhealthy. Psychotherapy is a secure place. Your discussions are protected by the law and you have a devoted listener, similar to a close friend. Improve Your Coping Skills ◦ Everyone copes with stress in different ways, but some are self-defeating and have a negative impact on physical health and self-esteem. As you get older and encounter stress, you may find that what worked t e ty years ago is ot orki g too ell o . Life e e ts te d to get igger o er ti e, a d it’s OK to re og ize that your tools are o lo ger orki g. Psy hotherapy a help you take steps to re-learn how to process information and cope with life stressors. Healthy coping strategies can help you feel more confident in your ability to manage your life. Process E otio al Baggage a d Let Go ◦ There are numerous sayings about differentiating between the things that you can and cannot change and letting go of the things over which you have no control. Carrying around years of emotional baggage (ex. feelings of anger, guilt, resentment) is extremely unhealthy and detrimental. Psychotherapy can teach you the tools you eed to start aski g yourself: Ca I o trol this? If ot, the your therapist is goi g to prod you to let it go.