HG Matters Issue 2 | Page 2

1) A toothbrush is not the only way to clean your teeth. Try scrubbing your teeth with a wash cloth or whatever else works. You can also scrape plaque off your teeth. 2) Vomit can cause serious damage. Keep a cup of cold water near your bucket or in the bathroom and rinse your teeth after every vomit fest. 3) Use mouthwash. The mint flavor can even pull you out of a sick cycle sometimes. I also recommend using enamel restoring mouthwash which helps on more than one level. Created by: Lexi Gallaway Hoyt Anyone with Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) will tell you about the horrible symptoms that come with it. Vomiting, starvation, dehydration. But wait – there’s more! It’s Garbage Mouth! What is garbage mouth? Well, when you feel so violently ill, there are times when it is impossible to get a toothbrush anywhere near your mouth, let alone in it long enough to brush your teeth. Your breath stinks, you feel the fuzz beginning to grow on your teeth, and your tongue has grown carpet. Welcome to garbage mouth. I went from NEVER having a cavity in my life to having five after my first HG pregnancy. Thanks to the following tips and tricks, I had no cavities following my second HG pregnancy. 4) Take preventative measures. Visit your dentist before HG sets in if you can. Talk to your dentist about sealant, varnish, or an extra deep cleaning. 5) See a dentist as soon as you can after your pregnancy to help remedy any damage. I hope these tips help you keep the garbage mouth at bay! Written by: Cindy Thomas 1