HEY U! December 2013 | Page 4

"We're All Equal" : Here Are Some Facts That Say Otherwise

Contrary to popular belief, electing Barack Obama as President of the United States was not the culminating act of equality that made America the greatest place to be. There are many areas in which equality has NOT been attained, especially in the area of minority children of inner city government-funded schools:

According to the 2009-2010 Civil RIghts Data Collection (CRDC) which surveyed 72,000 schools that educate 85% of U.S. students:

-- African American males are more likely to suffer suspension or expulsion than other students. Even though African Americans only made up 18% of the survey, they accounted for 35% of the suspended students and 39% of those expelled.

-- Of the schools with the lowest enrollment of Black and Hispanic students, 55% had Calculus as an offered course, where in the schools with very high minority enrollment, only 29% of the schools offered the course.

-- In the same school district, teachers in low-minority schools were paid $2, 251 more than teachers in high-minority schools. 1