Aevin Dugas talks hair
When I saw this story on Black Voices all I could think about is the 4 to 6 inches my clients will cry about saying that their hair is too difficult to deal with.
I wonder what my clients would do if they had to deal with the hair length that Aevin Dugas. This chicks hair, according to the Guinness Book of World Records measures four feet four inches around. That is taller than my middle grandchild!
Dugas complains of some hazards of having long
largest afro. Her hair is much longer since she was certified. Her friends got together earlier this year and measured her hair and it is now five feet all around. It is interesting to note that Dugas is five feet two.
She only wears her hair big when she's going out. "It's more of a Friday-Saturday thing," she said. But prepping for those Fridays and Saturdays takes a few days. "What I do is a shampoo and condition, and then I put it in two French braids. From then, it takes about 2 days to dry."
After that, she moisturizes, picks it out and sprays it with a little water so it can kink up a bit.
a bit.
The reaction to her hair is almost uniformly positive, she said. But as many women with naturals can attest, there's the annoying problem of strangers coming up to her to touch her hair. "I smile and try to be as nice as possible," Dugas said. "I've never slapped anybody's hand. I try and duck if I see them coming at me, [but] I don't mind them touching if they ask. "I've never slapped anybody's hand. I try and duck if I see
hair. One of the downsides is that she cannot drive with her hair blown and picked out. She states "I have no peripheral [vision]. I can't react quickly to anything." Once when she was closing her car door, she slammed it shut on her voluminous hair. "I've learned my lesson."
Dugas was introduced by a friend to a Facebook contest for the world's
them coming at me, [but] I don't mind them touching if they ask." Dugas has been natural for 12 years now and she was inspired when she saw an old picture of her mother. Just as she was inspired as a young girl Dugas says, "I love little kids, because a lot of little black girls look at her hair and say, "I want my hair like that!