Pack enough food.
Food is something models often overlook when it comes to photo shoots. It is not unusual for an hour-long photo shoot to go on for four hours instead. In fact, this is common in the industry. Sometimes the photographer or client will want to change some things around or try a new idea, forcing the shoot to go on longer than intended. For this reason, it is important to always pack a snack or two. Make sure it’s something that is easy and quick to eat, so that it does not disrupt the shoot. Bringing a bottle of water is important as well; it can get very hot under bright studio lights, and models need to stay fresh.
Wear the right undergarments.
Many times, models are so concerned with picking out clothes for a shoot that they forget to think about what they will look like on-camera. It is important to consider the type of clothes being worn on the shoot. For example, a light-colored shirt should be paired with a nude bra. A strapless bra is also good to bring, so that bra straps aren’t seen in the photo. In addition to bras, make sure to bring extra pairs of underwear. This is important to consider so that lines or unwanted colors don’t peek through in the photos.
Travel in the right clothes.
If possible, it’s always good to try on the clothes before a shoot, to ensure proper fit. When traveling to the shoot, and sitting in the styling
Additional Tips
Several things can mean the difference between good photos and great photos. It is important to get plenty of beauty sleep the night before a shoot, and to avoid salty, greasy, or sugary foods that week, as they give the face and body a tired look. Always drink plenty of water in the days leading up to the shoot, in order to rid the body of toxins, including those that cause acne. However, a small acne breakout can be photo-shopped by the photographer, so don’t stress about possibly not having perfect skin.
Beginning models should look for and practice poses to be used at photo shoots. Fashion magazines are the best source for this. Try practicing different poses, facial expressions, and angles in a mirror at home to see which are the most flattering. Knowing flattering angles is a huge plus in the modeling industry, as this makes all the difference in photos.
Always be confident in yourself as a model. Nerves are normal, but don’t be concerned about “messing up.” Models mess up all the time! As in pageantry, being well-prepared for a photo shoot is the best way to avoid excess nerves. By following these tips, you should be on your way to a successful shoot. Be prepared, be confident, and strike a pose!
shoot and sitting in the styling chair, wear loose clothing, as tight clothes can leave lines that take anywhere from 20-60 minutes to disappear.
by Kailah Clifft