Her Heighness Magazine vol. 1 issue 1 | Page 13

It’s not grocery shopping. It’s Cinderella-time. This beauty pageant event and the preparation leading up to it allows most middle-aged contestants to rediscover themselves, finding new levels of confidence and accomplishment, as well as a major boost of self-esteem. Multi-age beauty pageants are all the rage, and older women are an increasingly hot commodity. In fact, I believe that you’re never too old, and that it’s never too late.

 I know this because, when I was invited to enter the pageant world two years ago, I was 53 years old. It took me six weeks to make a final decision as to whether I would join. I considered the question, “What would people think if I did this at my

age,” and heard, “What’s she trying to do, relive her youth?” Because society has created this certain image of a young, 20-something beauty queen, I hesitated to enter. I am so glad that I ultimately did not listen to those voices, and that I listened to my heart.

Most pageants for mature women require an evening gown and fashion wear, and forgo the swimsuit competition in favor of an appearance in aerobic or fitness wear. Well, that was a no-brainer for me; I would not compete in a swimsuit—not after giving birth to two children! So the decision was made. I decided that being part of a pageant system that embraces and celebrates the whole woman was right up my alley.

(Cont. p. 27)