Her Heighness Magazine vol. 1 issue 1 | Page 12

Many women today have been taught that being over twenty-five years old is a negative factor in competing in beauty pageants. Current society has maintained a stigma, born in the early 20th century, that pageants are for unmarried, youthful girls. However, fortunately for those of us hitting mid-life, this stigma no longer applies. There are more women of mature ages taking advantage of the freedom to enter pageants without the glaring eyes and questioning stares.

Studies have shown that women who begin competing in pageants in their thirties, forties, fifties, and beyond do so with a passion that appears to be either impressively sincere or stunningly misguided. “It’s the attention, the camaraderie, the thrill of competition, and the chance to just plain enjoy being a girl,” says one contestant, of the opportunity to be able to compete at any age.

Their maturity is what gives older contestants a certain edge. Once they hit middle age, they’re there to win; they’re not fooling around. Some enter competitions for the joy of the journey, and in their minds, they have already won, simply because they took the risk and showed up. The over-forty woman may not have the same body or the same elasticity in her skin, but she’s going to give that 25-year-old a run for her money, because of the life experiences she’s already had—including rejection. 

What you’ll find at a table of 40-, 50-, and yes, even 60-year-olds are conversations that center on menopause, hot flashes, hysterectomies, wrinkles, and that “beautiful bulge” and how to get rid of it! It’s the liveliest, loudest table in the room. The younger contestants shoot curious glances, clearly wondering what’s so funny. It’s not laundry.


Once there was a beautiful lady, one of many who were vying for the position of “Princess of the Realm.” With healthy skin, curves in the right places, and a charming disposition, she welcomed the opportunity to gain this new title, with all of its responsibilities and fanfare. Finally, the day came. Although she had prepared for this moment for years, she wasn’t prepared to see what she saw on that day. When she was lined up with the many other ladies, she saw everyone in their beautiful gowns and realized that she was older than all the rest. 

Many of us know this story.