The tastiest salmon not only be
incorporated into variety of
recipes but they quite secure a
higher place in the list for body
builders, for people who diet
and for a normal human being
who wants to get his nutrition.
These tasty piece of salmon
supplies humans with many
health benefits.
The first health benefit, which
comes to the context, is about
the omega 3 fatty acids, which
reduces the inflammatory
process in the body, reduces the
circulating lipids, and reduces
the cytokine production,
decreases platelet aggregation
and prevention of cancerous
cell growth.
Next comes in the line is the
cardiovascular benefits which
are associated with the omega 3 fatty acids which decreases
the risk factor for
cardiovascular diseases such as
stroke, heart attack, arrhythmia
and high blood pressure.
Docosahexaenoic acid, which
comes from the omega-3 fatty
acid, considered being the
necessary fat presence in the
human brain and recent
researches suggest that intake
of omega-3 containing fish as if
salmon prevent depression, and
improve and boost the cognitive
function in older people.
Salmon’s Eicosapentaenoic acid
from omega-3 fatty acids can be
converted into thromboxane,
prostaglandins and resolvins by
the body. These three
compounds play a vital role in
preventing and in removing an
excessive inflammatory
process. In addition, the
salmon’s are supplied with socalled bioactive peptide namely
calcitonin which provides
special care and a support to
the joint cartilage.