Hello Monaco magazine Winter 2018 - issue HM02 | Page 119

Keeping Monaco Healthy Eat more tryptophan- containing foods Tryptophan is an essential amino acid. We need it to make serotonin – the feel-good hormone – which is vital to protect against depression and keep our appetite under control. Fish, poultry, eggs, beans, tofu, and brown rice are all good sources. Make sure you get enough Vitamin D A lack of this imp or tant vitamin is implicated in the seasonal increase in colds and flu, as well as in depression. Since 90% of our vitamin D intake is produced when sunlight touches our skin, the winter months are when deficiencies of this vital nutrient typically develop – as shorter days and colder te mp er atures usuall y mean less time spent outside. Take advantage of the Riviera sun when possible and take a vitamin D supplement throughout the winter months. There’s no doubt that alcohol is toxic to the human body – made worse because for it to be cleared from the body it must be metabolised to acetaldehyde, an even more toxic substance. Limit alcohol As a nutritionist, drinking alcohol is not something I recommend. There’s no doubt that alcohol is toxic to the human body – made worse because for it to be cleared from the body it must be metabolised to acetaldehyde, an even more toxic substance. Having said that, I do believe alcohol can be pleasurable and aids relaxation if you drink in moderate amounts. Be sure to compensate by drinking lots of water before, during and after. Up the Vitamin C Eating foods rich in vitamin C can reduce both physical and psychological effects of stress by curbing cortisol levels – the hormone responsible for the fight or flight response. All fruit and vegetables, but especially citrus, kiwis and peppers are good sources. Cooking and exposure to light destroy this delicate antioxidant – so raw or lightly steamed is best. Know your sweets Most of us are aware of the negative effects of excess sugar. Sugar is choc-full of empty calories that can lead to hormonal imbalances and weight gain. And hopefully, you also know that artificial sweeteners are just as bad. They’re filled with potentially harmful chemicals, have no nutrients and trigger more sugar cravings. But what about all the natural sweeteners that are marketed as «healthier» alternatives to sugar, such as honey, maple syrup, agave, coconut sugar, stevia, etc? These natural options are still SUGAR (except for stevia). What differentiates them is primarily their glycemic index (GI) and the effect they have on your blood sugar, as well as the added nutrients that can partly offset the negatives of the sugar. I recommend raw honey, (not commercial, which has very high GI levels), maple syrup (lower in calories than honey) and coconut palm sugar (low GI). Next time the festive season has you feeling stressed, irritated or low (or all the above) give a thought to what you have – or have not been putting in your mouth. And remember – the choice is yours. Happy Healthy Holidays! rus Куда вы ни бросите взгляд в празднич- ный период, вокруг сплошные искуше- ния вкусными и часто не самыми по- лезными блюдами. Сладкое и алкоголь не только наносят ущерб фигуре, но и влияют на уровень сахара в крови, при- водя к усталости. Праздники также совпадают с пиковым сезоном простуды и гриппа, когда им- мунная система работает с двойной на- грузкой, чтобы защитить нас от вирусов и заболеваний. Многие из нас страдают от сезонного аффективного расстрой- ства (САР), поскольку дни сейчас коро- че и мы получаем меньше солнечного света. Неудивительно, что праздники часто приводят с собой нежелательных гостей — стресс и депрессию. Стратегии борьбы со стрессом Большинство из нас живет в постоян- ном стрессе не только во время празд- ников. Мы переутомлены, страдаем от недоедания, ощущаем разрушитель- Hello Monaco – Winter 2018 / 117