Hello Monaco magazine Spring-Summer 2018 - issue HM03 | Page 34

MONACO WORDS OF WISDOM Monaco Words of Wisdom with GEOFFREY KENT Geoffrey Kent grew up on a farm in Kenya. At the age of 17, he set off on what would become a lifetime of adventures. By his twenties, already A MILITARY veteran and world Polo champion, He founded Abercrombie  & Kent Abercrombie & Kent, taking on the safari industry and turning it on its head. Today, A&K is the number one luxury travel service in the world, taking the rich and famous on unforgettable adventures across the globe. He has been to 150 countries AND RECENTLY published his memoirs, called «Safari». We were mesmerised by our interview with Geoffrey, as he shared his wisdom about success, adventure, doing what he loves, the keys to luxury and longevity, and how his personal experience with climate change has changed his life. From surviving tribal wars, colonial revolts, coup d’états, animal attacks, and being the first to open China to tourism, Geoffrey is a limitless supply of incredible stories. More than we could fit IN these pages! Make sure to visit THE MONACO Wisdom YouTube channel to see more from this captivating interview. Джеффри Кент вырос на ферме в Кении. В возрасте 17 лет он отправился в приключение всей своей жизни. К 20 годам, уже будучи ветераном военной службы и чемпионом мира по поло, он основал компанию Abercrombie & Kent, навсегда изменившую наше представление о сафари. Сегодня A & K — туристическая компания класса люкс номер один, обещающая богатым и знаменитым незабываемые приключения по всему миру. Г-н Кент также недавно опубликовал свои мемуары под названием «Сафари». Нас просто загипнотизировало интервью с Джеффри, где он поделился своей мудростью в отношении успеха, приключений, любимого дела, секретов роскоши и долголетия и того, как изменение климата повлияло на его собственную жизнь. Переживший туземные войны, колониальные восстания, перевороты, нападения животных и первым открывший Китай для туризма, Джеффри — безграничный кладезь невероятных историй. Больше, чем могли бы вместить эти страницы! Обязательно зайдите на наш канал Monaco Wisdom в YouTube, чтобы посмотреть полную версию этого захватывающего интервью. HelloMonaco: How did you come up with the idea of transforming the safari experience from shooting with a gun into hunting with a camera? Geoffrey Kent: Well, it really happened by accident. I grew up in Kenya; I went to school there; I did everything there. When I was going into business; hunting had been taking place for many, many years, since the turn of the 19th century. And I knew I couldn’t compete by offering the experience of the hunt because there were too many well-established busines­ ses doing the same. I thought, why not take photographs instead? So that’s what I started, but I also introduced an element of luxury, so that you take photographs out of the bush or a beautiful camp, with electric lighting and ice-making machines, fresh food and beautiful wine! And we went everywhere — that was the big moment. I decided our slogan would be «shoot with a camera, not with a gun». 32 / Hello Monaco Spring–Summer 2018