Hello Monaco magazine Spring-Summer 2018 - issue HM03 | Page 126

ANTI-AGING by Dr BARANOVA Detox: Rules of the game Детокс: правила игры Detox is all the rage these days, but in order to do it properly, there are some important steps to follow. In this edition, Dr Elena Baranova shares with our readers important tips for detoxifying. Сегодня Елена БАРАНОВА поделится с нашими читателями «правилами игры» детокса. Professor Elena Baranova MD, PhD, HDR Dr Baranova conducts scientific and clinical research studies in the field of qua ntum genomics, a nti-ag ing, psychobiolog y a nd persona l ised prevention. Reknowned for her advanced knowledge of Genomics, and Anti-aging, she is one of Europe’s leading experts on how to harness this knowledge to change your genetic direction, leading to an abundance of youthful vitality. ЕЛЕНА БАРАНОВА Профессор Между­народный Эксперт по Геном и ке и Ме д и ц и не А н т и- Ст арени я, Экс ­п ер т Е вропейс кой Комиссии по вопроса м геномики здоровья и пер­с онализированной медицины, Президент Европейского Инстит у та Персонализированной Медицины и Здоровья, Монако. А втор многочисленны х нау чны х исследований, презентаций, пуб­ ли­к аций и книг в области но­в ой генетики, геномики, антивозрастной медицины и индивидуальных подходов в персонализированной медицине с более чем 20-летним стажем в этих инновационных областях. В помощь пациентам мы рассказываем о различных тенденциях, что делать
 и чего не делать, регуляр- но в авторской программе на русском языке «Секреты антиэйджинга» на Chik Radio Monte-Carlo. 124 / Hello Monaco Spring–Summer 2018 A detox can be carried out at various body levels — our internal organs, including the liver, intestines, kidneys, lungs, and on the cellular level, ensuring a long-lasting and successful effect. It can be done either as a course or on an ongoing basis if you know the basic detox principles. This is what I would like to share with you in detail. Let’s start with cellular detox, which is vital for our health in general. This method rids our body of toxins and heavy metals. Sadly, the level of heavy metal pollution on our planet is constantly growing. In 2005, I was a member of the special European Commission on Health and Food Quality. The pollution figures were horrendous back then, especially for the heavy metals in the fish coming from Northern seas. Even 15 years ago, gynecologists in Northern France forbade pregnant women from eating fish caught in the north. Then, the Fukushima nuclear power plant exploded on the coast of Japan, where the majority of our tuna and salmon come from. Heavy metal pollution is therefore more relevant than ever, and not only for the fish, but more importantly for our drinking water. I receive many patients suffering from a very high level of heavy metal consumption, mainly through eating salmon and tuna. A good way to avoid this would be eating fish from the Mediterranean. Heavy metals are difficult to remove, as they settle in tissue and fat cells. Our Institute in Monaco of fers a special quantum detox method with products that contain highly activated sulfur and microelements to bind and remove heavy metals. There are also some foods that can aid in our detox process. A Quintessential Product Garlic is very good for you thanks to its high content of sulfur. This is one of those foods that dates back to antiquity and is still just as effective. It’s no wonder that garlic was found in the Egyptian pharaohs’ sarcophagi. It also works as a strong regulator activating detoxifying genes. In addition, it is also a natural antibiotic preventing the deposition and formation of atherosclerotic plaques in our vessels. Our body organs are susceptible to various toxins. Whether the intestines, liver, or skin different organs accumulate various toxins. The liver and gallbladder suffer the most from pollution. However, the liver is not the only organ responsible for storing heavy metals and other toxins. Almost all our body cells, including blood, need an occasional detox. A stagnation of metabolic processes in the liver leads to excessive cholesterol levels and a bile accumulation. That is why Ayurvedic medicine suggests special practices that encourage bile and cholesterol drainage. Alkalization for detox Another ever yday detox metho d is alkalization. Alkalization prompts detoxifying and anti-aging, while also blocking cancer cells. Cancer cells are known to multiply in an acidic environment, while an alkaline kills them. A German scientist, Otto Warburg, was awarded the Nobel Prize for this discovery back in 1931. An original Ayur vedic detox recip e recommends half a cup of warm lemon juice, three pinches of nutmeg and a tablespoon of ginger syrup (to open the bile ducts). Lemons are also extremely good for alkalizing our internal organs. Grapefruit, particularly pink ones, are another excellent detox product. You can do grapefruit juice diet days. If you put