© Bakian
A look that expresses the artist ’ s determination
Bakian : I work with talented , but modern young authors and composers . Staying too much on the sidelines may not work . There is no way of re-enacting the 60s music even if it was very beautiful . The great French singing trato keep the Principality a place where it is nice to live .
start ( the name of the album to be released at the end of this year ).
Bakian : It has to do with the song . Life is sometimes only hanging by a thread . You may quickly tip over to the dark side and never get up . But you may also balsee . It was all from scratch until the day I met Azna vour or performed at the Palace ...
: Can you say that Monaco is your new home ?
Bakian : I am French and proud of it , but I do have Monaco in my heart . As a singer , I am a citizen of the world . Every time I perform in a country , I am trying to get familiar with its culture .
: Tell us about your projects .
Bakian : I am planning a major tour , starting at the Casino de Paris on October 17 . During its two years , I will visit a number of European countries .
: Your new “ Tout emporter ” (“ Take it all away ”) speaks for itself . Another life story evoking resilience ...
Bakian : We can all , one day or another , find ourselves at the bottom of a hole if we lose a job or the one we love ... We then have a feeling of not being able to go up that slope . But then a sentimental , friendly or professional encounter comes up making you believe in it all over again , rekindling the flame ... Taking it all away also means leaving bad things behind , making a new
: The cover portrays you walking on a wire . What does this strong image suggest ?
: Do you have to follow the latest trends ?
“ I was blessed by the greatest , Aznavour . A legend of French songs of a rare humility !”
ance on the edge , with wonderful things awaiting us at the end of the path . This cover therefore symbolizes fragility . Nothing can be ever taken for granted , but it is worth living on the edge and carrying on even when it ’ s tough . And I do know what I mean .
: Why do you say that ?
Bakian : Because it has not been easy for me for the past fifteen years . I come from a modest background , not familiar with the performing industry . When I left home in the Var , I headed to Paris with nobody to dition is amazing , but the formats and colours are evolving very quickly in this industry . Today it ’ s different , not necessarily easier ... It ’ s more of a pop , urban , with a certain rap influence .
: The success is definitely there for you . But do you still have a dream ?
Bakian : I do have a few ! Like most performers , I am dreaming about the Olympia stage in two or three years from now . I would also like to meet all kind of audiences around the world , sharing my music and our beautiful French language . It ’ s Aznavour who inspired me not to not set any limits .
Hello Monaco Summer — Autumn 2022 / 43 www . hellomonaco . com