Hello Monaco #13 Winter 2021–2022 | Page 50

to René Char : “ Follow your dreams , they know the way …”
: What exactly is your work in the Monegasque government all about ?
DB : The National Council ’ s mission is to vote on the budget and laws . As president of the Culture and Heritage Commission , I make sure that the funds allocated to cultural projects are as sufficient as they are important . Among others , I ’ ve initiated such events as “ La Nuit Blanche ”, introducing the Principality to contemporary art .
In Monaco , culture represents nearly 5 % of the state budget . This is a lot . The pandemic has demonstrated that we operate in quite a special way here . Shows went on and museums remained open .
: How did you become passionate about plastic arts ?
DB : In Paris I lived not far from Beaubourg . I went there very often . As a businessman at the time , I had an idea to send my clients different works of art for a Christmas gift . It ’ s so much more stimulating than champagne or cigars ! I thus visited a number of art studios and got caught up in the game . Back in Monaco , I created my own gallery . “ L ’ Entrepôt ” was born in 2010 in a room in the Condamine where my mother used to work , making ceremonial dresses . I also set up an award , L ’ Open des Artistes , to stimulate young creators . Today the gallery is closed , but I am lending its premises to artists . Creative work thus continues being encouraged .
: You love Brazil and are a regular visitor to Rio . What do you think makes this destination so charming ?
DB : It ’ s a party all the time ! I love the city life and spending time in the streets . Having travelled around Brazil , I fell in love with this country . I later invested in a Brazilian restaurant in Paris … Then I discovered Thailand where I go three times a year . I really like Asia ; China is very interesting — in
The cover of Daniel Boéri ’ s new book Обложка новой книги Даниэля Боэри
ten years they ’ ve done what took us half a century .
: What do you think of today ’ s society ? Are you optimistic ?
DB : Yes and no … Technology is disrupting everything and pushing us forward in a peculiar way . It only took us 6 months to
Culture and heritage account for almost 5 % of Monaco ’ s state budget . A considerable amount .
invent a vaccine against Covid-19 ! But the real problem is climate . We have to tackle it in the first place . Not to forget the increase in population that needs to be fed . I think that everyone can make an effort by saving water , for example . There are simple steps
RUS we can all take in this daily struggle . But it will take time .
: What is most important to you in life ?
DB : I am going to quote René Char again : “ Impose your luck , hold your happiness tight and explore your risk . They will get used to it as you go ”. You have to take your destiny in hand .
: You often quote René Char . This is perhaps the most important poetry ... What about your private life ?
DB : I am free ! It is enormous and I am living it well . The book I ’ ve just published is the last of my children . I profess “ polyamory ”, a love freed from all constraints and “ morals ”, implying a contract of fidelity , not that of belonging . Life is too rich to be reduced to solely sexual relationships , monogamous or otherwise . Sex isn ’ t the most important thing .
: Do you have a dream ?
DB : Think about tomorrow and after tomorrow , never stop projecting yourself into the future .
HelloMonaco : Даниэль , вы родились в Монако , и многие поколения ваших предков были монегасками . Насколько глубоко уходят корни генеалогического древа вашей семьи ?
Даниэль Боэри : Наш род действительно очень давно живет в Монако . Я потомок Оноре Боэри , графа Сигальди , и наш семейный герб хранится у меня дома .
: И вы тоже всю жизнь живете в Монако ?
ДБ : Вовсе нет . Я жил в разных местах , хотя связи с Княжеством никогда не терял . Я учился в парижской Высшей коммерческой школе HEC , затем получил образование по специальности « Социология » и несколько лет преподавал в столице , приезжая в Монако по делам семьи . Наконец
48 / Hello Monaco Winter 2021 – 2022 www . hellomonaco . com