Hello Monaco : Daniel , you were born in Monaco , into a family that ’ s been Monegasque for generations . How far back does your family tree go ?
Daniel Boéri : My family has lived in Monaco for generations . I am heir to Honoré Boéri , Count of Cigaldi . Our coat of arms is sitting somewhere on a piece of furniture , however . I rarely have it on display .
: Have you always lived in Monaco ?
DB : Not at all . I have spent my life elsewhere , although I ’ ve never cut ties with the Principality . I was educated in Paris ( HEC and Sociology ) where I taught for several years . I ’ ve been visiting Monaco regularly for family reasons . Finally , in 1975 , I set up my consulting company here .
: What is your specialty ?
DB : Development of organizations . I became an expert in this field devoting my first book to it : “ The New Manual Labour . Multiplication of tasks and autonomous groups ” ( Le nouveau travail manuel : Enrichissement des tâches et groupes autonomes ). I am a disciple of the same movement as Charlie Chaplin . In his film “ Modern Times ” he denounces repetitive and dehumanizing tasks . I am guided by a line of poet René Char : “ They wanted arms . They got men ”. I believe that a man may flourish in his work . Back in 1983 , in my book , I ’ ve already brought up a point about teleworking .
: You have just published a new book . What is it about ? struck our planet . What if history is but a never-ending loop ?
As you progress through your reading of the book , the mystery of capsules is revealed ( are they full or empty ?) Or “ the paradox of diet ”. I tapped into my memory to draw out these elements of reflection and , sometimes , derision ...
You have to take your destiny in hand .
: What was your experience with the health crisis ?
DB : It gave me the chance to write these 400 pages ! In February 2020 I was in Rio and bought some masks . When I landed in Paris on March 7th , everybody looked at me as if I were a zombie — nobody was wearing masks back then . As of March 12 , I was selfisolating . My meals were delivered to my home . I hardly ever went out and thought about the book all day , nothing else . In fact , for me it has been a great time . Chapter 4 is entitled “ The Covid Journal ”...
: How did you get into politics ?
DB : I started as a consultant in Paris , during the municipal campaign of Jacques Toubon and Jacques Chirac . For ten years now I have been elected to the Conseil National of Monaco to direct the Culture and Heritage Commission , a very important field here .
: Why do you like politics ?
DB : First of all , I like ideas and studying the way they may be carried out . According
DB : It ’ s called “ The 53rd of Natural Anecdotes ”. I ’ ve never imagined I had so many stories to tell ! Each chapter is based on a quote . Just scroll through the content table . At the end of the day , there is not that much difference between the Hong Kong flu that broke out in 1967 and Covid-19 that has just
A wonderful contrast between a Chinese bronze warrior from the Xianren Cave and a discus-thrower painted in Mondrian style colours Удивительное соседство : бронзовый китайский воин из пещеры Сяньэнь и дискобол в стиле Мондриана
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