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WINTER FESTIVALS AN ODE TO CITRUS OR HOW THE MENTON LEMON FESTIVAL WAS BORN ОДА ЦИТРУСОВЫМ, ИЛИ КАК ПОЯВИЛСЯ ФЕСТИВАЛЬ ЛИМОНА В МЕНТОНЕ For many decades, the colourful town and Monaco’s neighbour, has been a delight to thousands of spectators from all over the world. They come to Menton for the sole purpose of enjoying the splendour and grandeur of a unique citrus show, featuring immense lemon and orange sculptures for its audience to admire. https://www.fete-du-citron.com © HelloMonaco I На протяжении многих десятилетий красочный французский городок Ментон по соседству с Кн яжеством Монако восх ищает тысячи зрителей со всего мира, которые прибывают сюда с единственной целью, — насладиться великолепием и грандиозностью уникального шоу цитрусовых, полюбоваться на гигантские скульптуры из лимонов и апельсинов во всем их великолепии. n 1895, the hoteliers suggested that the municipality hold an original parade (corso) in the festival tradition, striving to revive the city over the winter. Since 1896, the Menton parade has welcomed wealthy guests, gaining a reputation as a prestigious place to hibernate in com- fort. At that time it was fashionable to spend winters in the French Riviera mild climate. Royals and the artistic elite would often choose Menton for a visit or even build their magnificent residences there. producer in Europe. In 1934, the Lemon Festival (Fête du Citron®) was of- ficially registered as a carnival celebrating a citrus fruit. Local hotel owners also came up with an innovative idea of organizing a citrus and flower ex- hibition in the Hôtel Menton Riviera gardens. At that time, François Ferrié was in charge of citrus sculpture design and flower bed decoration. This is when the delightful giant sculptures were created, taking more than 140 tons of lemons and oranges every year. THE LEMON ENTERS THE SCENE The unprecedented success of this exhibition encouraged the opening of a citrus parade which to this day remains the centerpiece of the carni- val. Carts filled with flowers, oranges and lemons, true works of art, move through the streets, filling the air with a wonderful invigorating aroma. Actors, acrobats, jugglers, musicians and dancers create a great atmos- phere. The sounds of fanfares and drums make the people rejoice and a rain of confetti pours down. H   ow did the Festival come to bear a citrus name and preserve this unique tradition over the decades? Given the popularity of Nice Carnival, the Menton City Hall was willing to convey a unique local flavour to their own festival so that it could attract a number of tourists. In the meantime, Menton happened to be the largest lemon Hello Monaco Winter 2019–2020 / 125 www.hellomonaco.com