HED-Higher Education Directory 2018 HED-Higher Education Directory 2018 | Page 45

Manipal Academy Of Higher Education
Manipal Academy of Higher Education is synonymous with excellence in higher education . Over 25,000 students from 67 different nations live , learn and play in the sprawling University town , nestled on a plateau in Karnataka ’ s Udupi district . It also has nearly 2500 faculty and almost 10000 other support and service staff .
FACILITIES : Quality Education , World Class Libraries , Instills a culture of Research & Innovation , Sophisticated Laboratories , Eco Friendly Campus , One of the best Anatomy Museum , Wi-Fi Campus , Unparalleled Infrastructure , Encourages Merit through Scholarships , Exposure to diverse Disciplines & Cultures .
LIBRARY : KMC , Manipal Health Sciences Library is one of the largest libraries in Asia for an educational institution . The Central Library of Kasturba Medical College , Mangalore is fully equipped and air conditioned . It has over 36,000 textbooks . The services of the library include Internet and e-Learning , Audiovisual services , Computer based work , Reprographic service , Book bank facility , Bibliographic service , Online access to journals and Medline service .
FEES : General Category – https :// manipal . edu / content / dam / manipal / mu / documents / Admissions / Adm2018 / GENERAL % 20FEES . pdf
Foreign / NRI Category – https :// manipal . edu / content / dam / manipal / mu / documents / Admissions / Adm2018 / FOREIGN % 20 % 26 % 20NRI % 20FEES . pdf
Manipal Academy Of Higher Education , Manipal
manipal . edu , Manipal 576104 , ( Karnataka )
Tel : + 91-820-2922323 Fax :
+ 91-820-2570062 E-mail : registrar @ manipal . edu Website : www . manipal . edu
VICE CHANCELLOR : Dr . H . Vinod Bhat
CAMPUS FACILITIES : The Manipal Academy of Higher Education – Manipal Main campus is spread over 648.19 acres of what once used to be desolate plateau of hard , laterite rock in north Karnataka ’ s Udupi district . It is home to almost 30000 students and staff and is wi-fi enabled campus with restaurants , libraries , hostel rooms , labs and class rooms .
COURSES OFFERED : Under Graduate Programmes : Engineering / Medical / Business / BBA / Hotel Management / Banking / Finance / Computer and IT / Dental / Pharmacy / Nursing / Allied Health / Life Science / Architecture / Communication / Commerce / Philosophy and Humanities / Design ; Other Professional Courses .
Post Graduate Programmes : Engineering / Medical / Business / MBA ; Hotel Management / Banking / Finance / Computer and IT / Dental / Pharmacy / Nursing / Allied Health / Life Science / Public Health / Virus Research / Architecture / Communication / Commerce / Atomic & Molecular Physics / Philosophy and Humanities / European Studies / Design / Regenerative Medicine / Geopolitics ; Other Professional Courses .
Certificate Programme : Advanced training program in Diabetic care , Clinical Genetics , PG Certificate course in Panchakarma , Certificate courses in Biosecurity , Library & Information Science , Fashion Design , Foreign languages , Nanoscience and technology , Laser application in Biology and Medicine , Oral Implantology etc .
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