HED 2018
Kunda, Ponnampet, Kodagu - 571 216 Karnataka
[email protected]
Tel: 08274-249771, Fax: 08274-261152
Courses offered: Engineering
Udyog Vidya Nagar, Dandeli Road, Haliyal-581 329 (Karnataka)
Te l :
08284 - 220861 / 09449454542
08284 -220813
[email protected]
Courses Offered:
Mechanical Engineering
Computer Science & Engineering
Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Thermal Power Engineering (M.Tech)
Civil Engineering
Electronics & Communications Engineering
Industrial Electronics (M.Tech)
Golden Valley Institute of Technology
Oorgaum Kolar Gold Field,
Kolar - 563 120 Karnataka
[email protected]
Tel: 08153–261219, Fax: 08153-262309
Courses offered: Engineering
Fees Structure: On Request
Principal: Dr. Vadiraj V Katti M.Tech., Ph.D (IIT Bombay), MISTE, MIE, MCI
Facilities: Boys & Girls Hostels, Transport, Gymkhana, Canteen, Mess & Medical.
Library: VDRIT has a marvelous collection of over 38,145 volumes that includes more
than 6000 reference books.
Subscribing to 52 national journals & 37 international journals.
Subscribing to 4500 online technical research papers by being member of DELNET & VTU
Speciality of the college library - Every student gets one book for each subject per semester
(Lending Library Scheme).
Hostel: One of the major concerns of parents about their wards is the facilities for stay
and food. VDRIT promises parental care to boys and girls residing in the hostel.
1. The boys hostel accommodates 400 students and girls hostel accommodates 232
students. Mess ensures quality food and water purifier is installed for drinking water. Hot
water through solar system is provided at every floor. Uninterrupted power supply is provided
with the help of generators.
2. Dispensary in the campus takes care of preliminary medical treatment.
3. Above all VDRIT Campus is Wi-Fi Zone
Damodar Suvarna Edn. Soc's Coll. of Hotel Mgmt.
Suvarna Arcade, B.M.Road,
Hassan - 573 201 Karnataka
Courses offered: Hotel Management
B.V.B College of Engineering & Technology
Vidyanagar, Hubli - 580 031 Karnataka
[email protected]
Tel: 0836-2374150, Fax: 0836-2374985
Krupanidhi College of Nursing
Chikka Bellandur, Carmelaram Post, Varthur,
Hobli - 560 035 Karnataka
Courses offered: Nursing Courses offered: Engineering
HOSKOTE [email protected]
IBMR Business School
Ibmr, Main Road, Bailappanavar Nagar,
Behind Kims, Hubli - 580 029 Karnataka
M.V.J. Group of Institutions Mvj College of Engg. Tel: 0836-3246688
Dandupalya,30Th Km Milestone, National Courses offered: Business Management
Highway 4,Kolathur P.O.Hoskote - 562 114
Tel: 080-7981472, Fax: 080-7931645
Courses offered: Engineering
Karnataka Law Society'S Viswanathrao
Deshpande Rural Institute of Technology
Haliyal, Haliyal Taluk, Uttara,
Proudadevaraya Institute of Technology
Sha Bhavarlal Babulal Nahar Campus, Kannada - 581 329 Karnataka
T.B.Dam, Hospet - 588 325 Karnataka
Courses offered: Engineering Tel: 08284-2405500, Fax: 0831-2455353
Courses offered: Engineering
38 | Higher Education Directory
[email protected]
K S Hegde Medical Academy
Medical Sciences Complex,Deralakate,
P.O., Nithyananda Nagar,
Mangalore - 575 018 Karnataka
Courses offered: Medical
Mangalore University
Deptt. of Business Admn., Mangala
Gangotri, Mangalore - 574 199 Karnataka
Courses offered: Management
Srinivasa College of Hotel Mgmt.
Ganapathi High School Road,
Mangalore - 575 001 Karnataka
Courses offered: Hotel Management
St. Joseph Engineering College
Dharmagiri, Vamanjoor,
Mangalore - 575 028 Karnataka
[email protected]
Courses offered: Engineering
College of Dental Surgery, Manipal
Academy of Higher Education
Kasturba Medical College, Manipal Academy
of Higher Education, Manipal-576 119 Karnataka
Courses offered: Dental
Kasturba Medical College
Manipal - 576 104 Karnataka
[email protected]
Tel: 0820-2571978, Fax: 0820-2571927
Courses offered: Business Management
Sikkim Manipal University of Health
Medical & Technological Sciences
Ist Floor, Syndicate House,
Manipal - 576 104 (Karnataka)
[email protected]
Tel: 0820-4297000
Courses offered: Misc. Multiple Courses
Bhavan's Institute of Management Mysore
Vijayanagar 1st Stage,
Mysore - 570 017 Karnataka
Tel: 0821-2412141, Fax: 0821-2416106
Courses offered: Business Management