HEB ISD School & Family Magazine April/May 2016 | Page 27
business opportunity, I participated in the HEB ISD
Leadership Academy, where I learned all I could
about HEB ISD and began my journey to becoming
part of the HEB ISD School Board of Trustees,
ultimately being elected to proudly serve as a board
member in May 2013.
Our sons graduated from L.D. Bell in 2010 and
2013. Our daughter is a fifth grader at River Trails
Elementary and we couldn’t be happier with our
decision to be a part of HEB ISD.
What makes you so passionate about HEB ISD?
parents to school-age children. The addition of foster
children to our family has greatly increased our
exposure and understanding of the programs HEB
provides for all students. We have been impressed
with the level of commitment from all staff, from
resource teachers to district psychologists, as they
step up to meet the requirements of a child who
might need a little help catching up.
This new life experience solidifies my passion for
helping ensure that HEB ISD continues to provide
outstanding educational opportunities for students
from any demographic and at any level.
I believe the fundamental purpose of a K-12 education
is to prepare the student for a lifetime of learning. A
lifetime-learner needs both a solid core education
in reading, writing, science, and math, as well as
the opportunity to explore other interests such as
music, art, other languages, career opportunities,
athletics to name a few.
HEB ISD is made up of teachers, staff and
administrators who are passionate about educating
every student. Dorothy and I have a good feel for the
district’s advanced academics programs, such as IB,
from our older sons. We continue our experience
with advanced academics at the elementary level
with our daughter and remain true believers in the
excellence of HEB ISD’s programs.
However, the last couple of years we have taken
our family down a different path by becoming foster