Heat Exchanger World November 2022 | Page 26

Hydrogen Applications
Normal AFC vs pad system
The main requirements to install an adiabatic pad system are :
• Inlet water hardness limit
• Inlet water conductivity limit
Technology comparison In the paragraphs above , some of the factors influencing the selection of cooling technology have been discussed , such as availability of water and achievable process temperatures . How to compare these technologies therefore depends a lot on the project requirements . In Table 1 , the four different technologies are compared , with the minimum achievable process temperature set at 39 ° C for the three technologies employing AFC . Since generally achievable temperatures are a lot lower in cooling towers , minimal process temperature is set at 29 ° C for the cooling tower option .
The picture will be different when the minimum achievable process temperature is an important factor for the project . This could be the case , for instance , when cooling down the produced hydrogen has a significant impact on the sizing of the drying section . Table 2 provides a comparison of the four technologies in a scenario where the project is aiming at the lowest possible process temperature .
Tundracel cooling tower Some projects would benefit from a cooling tower , but the water available is of insufficient quality . In such cases , the Tundracel cooling tower is one solution . The Tundracel is a closed-loop cooling tower . The product to be cooled ( closed-loop cooling water for green hydrogen plants ) is led through U-tube bundles . The tubes are

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