The Yeshiva's alumni include scores of
outstanding talmidei chachamim, many
of whom are successful mechanchim
and maggidei shiur.
taking note of how he deals with his challenges, they develop a sense of
compassion and responsibility that will make them better human beings
for the rest of their lives.
For Klal Yisrael
The saying goes that a busy person somehow makes time for everything.
Rabbi Bender certainly epitomizes this concept. Although his overriding
priority is directing his own mosad, he is at the same time deeply involved
with Klal Yisrael, both on a communal and individual level.
This past summer he was asked to join the Vaad Roshei Yeshivos of Torah
Umesorah, but well before that, he was often called upon to participate
in Torah Umesorah’s many programs for mechanchim. In the words of
Rabbi Zvi Bloom, Executive Director of Torah Umesorah and a talmid of
Rabbi Bender:
“Rabbi Bender has always made himself available whenever we
have called upon him to participate in training programs for rebbeim,
menahalim, and mashgichim. He simply never says ‘No,’ though he is
one the busiest people I have ever met.
January 14, 2018
תשע“ח טבת לכ“ח אור