The saying goes that a busy person
somehow makes time for everything. Rabbi
Bender certainly epitomizes this concept.
“At our annual convention, we offer mechanchim the opportunity to sign
up for one-on-one meetings with roshei yeshiva and menahalim. Always,
Rabbi Bender’s calendar fills up very quickly, and for those three days,
he is meeting privately with someone at every available moment. That’s
because everyone recognizes the love and concern that he feels for
every Jewish child.”
Rabbi Bender’s father, Harav Dovid Bender zt”l, passed away when Rabbi
Bender was a bachur of 15. Having experienced what it means to be
orphaned, he has made it his mission to lend strength to those in similar
circumstances. Rabbi Bender is deeply involved with the Samcheinu
organization for widows; Shlomie’s Club for yesomim; and Links for
A spokesman for Sister-to-Sister, an organization for divorcees, related:
“Every week Rabbi Bender takes a break from his busy schedule to record
a targeted message on the weekly parashah to strengthen these women
in their sacred role of being mechanech their children. Over a thousand
women are touched by his kindness when they hear his recording each
week. In addition, Rabbi Bender attends an annual weekend for Sister-
to-Sister women. From the moment he arrives until the moment that he
leaves, for hours and hours on end, he speaks, guides, listens to and
strengthens individual women.”
January 14, 2018
תשע“ח טבת לכ“ח אור