HEARTFELT - Yeshiva Darchei Torah Pre-Dinner Newsletter 2018 DarcheiNewsletter2018HighResSinglePages | Page 20

In response, Rabbi Bender conceived the idea to create a “mini-Lakewood” within the Darchei campus. As Darchei talmidim grew up and graduated, they would go off to study in the top yeshivos of Yerushalayim, often continuing to Beth Medrash Govoha in Lakewood afterward. Some, however, expressed their desire to continue their learning in Far Rockaway upon their return from Eretz Yisrael. In response, Rav Bender conceived the idea to create a “mini-Lakewood” within the Darchei campus. A kibbutz was launched in 2005 with six bachurim. Today, Kollel Tirtza Devorah, named for Mr. Lowinger’s grandmother, comprises chaburos on several different sugyos, and includes more than 30 full-time members and 30 part-timers (primarily mechanchim who join for the afternoon seder). The yungeleit have settled within the local neigborhood, raising families and helping to transform the community into a bastion of Torah life. Building the Community Rav Bender’s breadth of vision encompasses not only the well-being of the Yeshiva and its talmidim, but the greater community as well. When the Darchei campus was purchased in 1991, the neighborhood was considered highly undesirable. While that made the purchase price relatively affordable, only three Orthodox families owned houses in the area. January 14, 2018 20 ‫תשע“ח‬ ‫טבת‬ ‫לכ“ח‬ ‫אור‬