HEARTFELT - Yeshiva Darchei Torah Pre-Dinner Newsletter 2018 DarcheiNewsletter2018HighResSinglePages | Page 19

19 לכ “ ח טבת תשע “ ח

Since then , the combination of high achievement in Torah and sensitivity to others ’ needs has been the trademark of the Darchei student .

pioneer bachurim approached graduation , Rav Bender decided to offer them the opportunity to continue at Darchei for yeshiva gedolah . In 1999 Bais Medrash Heichal Dovid began its first zeman . Several months later , Rav Bender appointed Rav Shlomo Avigdor Altusky , a highly regarded rosh yeshiva in Montreal , to lead it . While the Beis Medrash began comprised primarily of Darchei talmidim , it now attracts young men from all over the United States . Together , the Mesivta and Beis Medrash have molded well over a thousand bachurim into true Bnei Torah and bnei Aliyah , and the Yeshiva has earned its rightful place on the ‘ eastern wall ’ of American yeshivos .
By the late 1990s , as Darchei ’ s enrollment approached 1,000 talmidim , the elementary school began to overflow its original one-story brick building and was obliged to use auxiliary trailers for the spillover . The situation was clearly unsustainable . In 2008 the Yeshiva broke ground on a massive , 186,000-square foot complex that would provide classroom space for five parallel classes per grade , in addition to a beis medrash / assembly hall , a dining hall , science and computer laboratories , an indoor gym for the preschool , administrative offices and a spacious home for the Rabenstein Learning Center . With the help of an IDA bond issue and a vigorous fundraising campaign , the Yeshiva celebrated the chanukas habayis of the new complex in the spring of 2011 . January 14 , 2018
19 לכ “ ח טבת תשע “ ח