HeartBeat Summer 2017 | Page 31

NIVENS’ NOTES Greetings from the Board Room: Here I am at mid year and well above average for rain. Nothing really note-worthy about that except from mid-April to mid- May, I received half of an average annual rainfall. I don’t know that I have ever seen a time when there has been as much corn replanted in this area. If it had been planted very early, it might look good. If planted just prior to the flooding, it may have been replanted and replanted and still not look like much. With wheat harvest just now underway, impact on that crop will soon be determined. And I feel certain that some of the hay that has been baled has as much nutrition in the wrap around the bale as what is inside. Grass is finally abundant and the excess moisture apparently sprouted every hard clover seed. Rain has also caused a good growth of thistles. I would be afraid to guess how many gallons of spray we have put through a 25 gallon tank in the side-by-side. This spring, my wife Carolyn, has been with me spot spraying while I check cattle. I have yet to throw her out when she is leaning right to reach a thistle and I turn left to see a cow’s tag. Did run over a short piece of a hedge post that flipped up and resulted in a concussion. She’s awfully skittish now with each unexpected bump. FCS Financial has an annual election for board members and to select a nominating committee for the next year. A board term is three years and four members are elected each year. The 2017 election results were tabulated May 31. We have two returning incumbents, Sherry Jones and Rick Rehmeier. Michael Bruce from the Nevada area will be replaced by Jared Wareham, Deepwater, Mo. Mike served on the board since 2002. He could always be counted on to think of the impact on the member first of any board action. Stacy Hambelton, Gaines- ville, had the opportunity to serve for one term. His work experience and background brought him to the board as well prepared as any new member I have seen. Stacy’s replacement is David Stubblefield of Alton, Mo. From their bios and short discussions that I have had with Jared and David, I feel they will be fully participating members in a short while. Thanks to Mike and Stacy for their commitment and time and to Sherry and Rick for a willingness to continue to serve FCS Financial. At the time this issue of HeartBeat is being put together, the board has reviewed the results of the first quarter of 2017. The key indicators are on a par with last year and are as good or better than what was projected for 2017. There is a slight decline in loan quality James Nivens, Chairman of the Board and an up-tick in delinquencies. Neither quite as high as was an- ticipated and both of these figures are well below what would be an historic norm. One of the numbers that we have missed is the need for short-term loans. My interpreta- tion would be a loss of appetite for machinery purchases. My recent experiences has just reinforced that I am not very good at forecasting the weather, markets or elections. Don’t really need to forecast. Weather will average out, markets will change and elec- tions are held on a regular basis for a reason. Just need to keep it in mind and react appropriately. Recent events also remind me that not only is there a financial risk to farming, there is something of a health risk. Take care, HEARTBEAT | SUMMER 2017 31