Heart 2 Heart Concepts Magazine DECEMBER/2016 | Page 7

9 Steps to Cultivate Your Circle of Influence

Your Circle of Influence can happen by default or it can happen by choice . If you truly want to have an extraordinary life and career , you must commit to creating and cultivating your circle of influence by choice and with careful deliberation . Here are 9 steps for being deliberate in creating the influences in and on your life .
1 . Think about the environments that dominate your life : Personal / Family , Work , Social , Church , etc . Your life usually has more than one circle . Then think about your Personal Circle of Fabulous — Your advisory council — Your personal Knights of the Round Table .
2 . List and identify the dominant people in each of your circles — literally write out their names . 3 . Then Categorize each person using the following categories :
a . Counselor — This person helps to be better . They share knowledge and expertise that enables you to grow . They hold you accountable for the things you say you want to achieve . They help you to move when you want to sit . b . Cheerleader — This person makes you feel good about yourself . They encourage you and help you to remember how great you are . They bring you joy and make you laugh ! c . Iron Sharpener — This person sharpens and refines you . They may also point out — in love — where you are not being your best . They do so because they love and they want you to be your best and not just the best you feel like doing . d . Sunshine — This person emits warmth and energy that make you feel good about yourself . Just being in their presence makes you feel better and inspires you . You may not know them but you learn from them and their very actions . They Inspire you ! e . North Star — This person has achieved something you aspire and they serve as a great example that can guide , shape , stretch , and sharpen you . You may or may not know them personally . You may even only know them virtually . f . Sunburn — This person doesn ' t mean you any harm and are not intentionally harming you , but their life behavior and actions are self-harm all that not only are they destroying themselves but that destroying others around them . They are like a black hole that is all of negative energy masked by a seemingly glamorous fast pace and fun lives that are really thinly veiled self-destruction g . Hater — This person is unhappy and wants you to be unhappy too . They are jealous and sometimes mask envy with limited expectations expressed in sly remarks and nice-nasty comments . They secretly want to achieve what you have achieved , but they lack the confidence to try so they attempt to make you believe that you can ’ t either . h . Limitator — This person is limited by their negative views and wants to box you into their narrow-focused worldview . They can ’ t see past their limited vision and attempt to cut your vision down to their comfort level . i . Invalidator — This person is just nasty . They see the world in terms of all that is wrong and not only see the glass half empty , but somebody spit in their glass too ! They are hurt , so they take out their hurt on the world . www . fabulousuniversity . me