Osteoporosis is considered a ‘silent thief’ because bone loss occurs without any symptoms. It is very hard to tell whether one has been diagnosed with the disease not until they experience a fracture or a broken bone. Nonetheless, once the bones have weakened by osteoporosis, you may have signs and symptoms that include:
•Back or neck pain cause by a fractured or collapsed vertebra: osteoporosis can cause compression factures of the spine. This can cause a lot of pain due to the collapsed vertebrate that may pinch the nerves that radiate out from the spinal cord. The pain can begin with a slight pain and end up to a debilitating pain.
•Loss of height over time: This is one of the most noticeable symptoms of osteoporosis. The compression fractures in the spine cause the loss in height.
•A stooped posture: the compression of the vertebrate may also cause a slight curving in the upper back. A stooped back is also referred to as kyphosis or can also be referred to as a dowager’s hump as commonly referred to. Kyphosis can cause back and neck pain as well as affect the breathing due to the extra pressure on the air way.
•A bone fracture that occurs much more easily than expected: a fracture is one of the most common signs of fragile bones caused by osteoporosis. Fractures in this case can be caused by a fall or any slight minor movement such as stepping off a curb, or even carrying a heavy object. Depending on the fragility of the bones, a strong sneeze or cough can also be a sign to trigger a fracture.