Healthy Meal Plan Healthy Eating Tips | Page 15

How Healthy Eating Prevents Obesity Obesity among children and adults has been a growing health concern and is expected to surpass cigarettes as the leading cause of high mortality rates. In Canada, obesity is an economic burden that costs $3 billion annually. As of 2017, Canada stood 35th in rank as the country with the highest rate of obesity, with 64% adults above age 18, and 30 % children between ages 5 and 17 being obese. Research shows alarming statistics that obesity rates in children are expected to increase 20 30%. The factors resulting in obesity could include poor lifestyle choices, lack of physical activity, sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy eating and genetics. It’s not healthy to feel good in your body when there is clearly something wrong or you are suffering. It’s one thing to feel good in your body when you are at an optimal BMI level. However, if you are underweight or overweight that’s when effort should be taken to bring your body back into a state of balance. Being obese and feeling proud about it is only harming you in the long-term. Bullying on the basis of weight is not acceptable, neither is ‘fat pride’. You are only setting yourself up for numerous other health problems that trickle down to other aspects of your life and prevent you from optimal functioning in everyday activities. There are health disorders that cause you to lose weight abnormally, then there is obesity, which is also no less than a health disorder. Your aim should be to keep your BMI – ratio of height to weight – at normal levels. Hit 30 and you are obese. By choosing the right foods, you can prevent obesity significantly. Unhealthy, junk or fast food do not contain the essential nutrients that your body requires on a daily basis. Unhealthy food contains saturated fats that get stored in your system, do not burn easily, prevent absorption of other nutrients, and contribute to weight gain. There are simple steps to keep your weight in check and help those around you who need to really shed off those pounds for the sake of health.