e all have
something to
give thanks
for. The
mere act
of waking up today indicates
that there is hope and that
new opportunities exist in our
lives. Too often, we focus on
what we don't have, especially
when we are facing difficult
circumstances, causing us
to lose sight of our purpose,
which forces us to living
in the moment. You know
something? Life is more about
what you have today than what you need for
tomorrow. You just need to change the way
you look at life.
When you focus on what you do not have,
dissatisfaction turns into a giant that you
cannot satisfy. Eventually, this will consume
your life until it is only about work, work,
and work, which turns into worry, leaving
you consumed with stress (the disease of
the 21st century) and you end up damaging
your health. Eventually, the only thing you are
left to desire is to cease to exist, to throw in
the towel, and end everything. WAIT! Life is
more than that.
Have you ever felt this way? What's more,
maybe you're thinking at this moment
"Thanksgiving." "That's just a lie. There's
nothing to thank!" We end up resenting life
and, worse yet, ourselves. the right attitude to overcome whatever it
is that's in your path now because today you
are not the same as yesterday, and tomorrow
when you awake to another day of life, you
will not be the person you are today.
It is not my intention to make you feel
bad. On the contrary, I want to help you
understand that in this moment of your life,
while you are reading these short words, that
while there is life there is hope! True, we can
never change the past and maybe you didn't
envision your life to look as it does, but the
events in your past are what you had to face.
What you need today is to be able to look at
your life, and be grateful for the wisdom and Today you can complain, wallow in a corner
quarreling with life OR you can give thanks
because what you have is more than what
you need. It simply takes intentionality to
learn to stop and enjoy so you can achieve
what will come tomorrow.
GIVING THANKS all the time makes us see
life from a fresh perspective and lets us enjoy
every minute as a gift.
By P. Elias Hoyos