Healthy Home Newsletter Volume X, Issue 11 | Page 2

Get Inspired “Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present.” th – Jim Rohn, 20 century American businessman, author and motivational speaker. Outstanding Client Of the Month! Meet [insert name] Maybe You Might Hold the Answer to Our Question? Healthy Talk If Holiday Parties and Food Are Expanding Your Waist Line, Try These Easy Tips To Undo The Damage… If you find yourself splurging on a little too much holiday food, don’t get down on yourself. After all, the average holiday weight gain is anywhere from 5-7 lbs. But that doesn’t mean you have to keep the extra pounds try these easy tips to lose them … #1: It doesn’t have to be “all or nothing”. An “all or nothing” attitude is usually the catalyst to further binges and more weight gain. Remember it’s not one meal that does the damage, not even one day, so if you binged, let it go. Then resolve to get back on track with your next meal. #2: Stretch it out. Many claim that yoga will benefit your digestion after a dietary transgression. So put those stretchy pants to use with a nice after dinner series of stretching and yoga. #3: Take a walk. Instead of wallowing in your bloat, get up and move. Grab the family and head out for some fresh air and movement. It doesn’t have to be a huge hike, just get moving and breathe. #4. Have a drink. Not alcohol this time, although alcohol has its place. If you’re trying to get over a food hangover, then there are many soothing herbal teas that can aid digestion and bloat. Also, many people swear by sipping on a “tea” made from lemon juice, raw apple cider vinegar, and honey. And, there is nothing like drinking pure water for a nice feeling of a system flush. But, most of all, have fun and be balanced. Disclaimer: These are just suggestions, I’m not a doctor or health specialist. As our Company grows with better equipment, more efficient techniques and more clients, we are looking to add some new people to our organization. If you know someone you think would make the perfect fit for our organization, please pass this along. More details in the links on the next page. Quotes For November… “Autumn is a second spring where every leaf is a flower.” – Albert th Camus, 20 Century French journalist, author, and philosopher. “Summer ends, and Autumn comes, and he who would have it otherwise would have high tide always and a full moon every night.” – th Hal Borland, 20 Century American Author “A wind has blown the rain away and blown the sky away and all the leaves away, and the trees stand. I think, I too, have known Autumn th too long.” – e.e. cummings, 20 Century American poet. He was known for unconventional punctuation and spelling, and did not object when people started publishing his name without using capital letters. Find some of these and more quotes at ©2016 Piranha Marketing, Inc.