Healthy Eagle December 2013 | Page 4

Benefits of


Keep a bottle of water in your car and on your desk for easy access wherever you are!


Drinking water is an essential factor for anyone who wants to stay healthy. Even as kids we were told to "Drink 8 glasses of water a day." Every one knows water is important, but it's easy to forget and overlook. You hear people describe themselves as coffee-drinkers, tea-drinkers, or Coke addicts. Well, here are some reasons as to why you should be a water addict.

Water is a natural medication. Hydrating your body really strengthens your immune system, relieves and prevents headaches, and boosts brain function for those long tests and midterms you have to study for. And for a hectic college life where you're spending 5, sometimes 6, days going to class, staying up late, then doing org work, and of course having a social life, no one can really afford to get sick.

Another benefit of drinking water that maybe not a lot of people are aware of is that it clears up your skin! A hydrated body means moisturised fresh glowing skin, and fights skin ageing as well. Drinking a lot of water might mean having to go to the bathroom more often but it also means flushing out all the bad toxins and waste out of your body and reduces the risk of kidney stones and urinary tract infections.

0 Carbs

0 Calories


By Julia Esguerra