August 2014 | Read this issue and more at www.healthandwellnessmagazine.net |
Food Sensitivities
By Angela S.
Staff Writer
In health matters,
inflammation is a
crucial aspect, and
isolating the root cause for the inflammation is the only way to stop it (See
this issue’s article on inflammation
for more details). Merely addressing
the result– be it art hritis, headaches,
fatigue or hypertension – will not stop
the inflammation but only address
the symptoms caused by it. In other
words, even if you feel better, your
health is still compromised and your
life may very well be shortened. For
many people, the source of inflammation is a food sensitivity. Most who
have a downright allergy to a food
such as peanuts or shellfish will be
well aware of it because the reaction is
so acute and immediate following the
ingestion of that particular food. This
is not so with food sensitivities. Often,
a person will not even be aware of the
food sensitivity. If your health, vitality,
energy or mood is suffering for some
unknown reason, exploring whether
or not you have a food sensitivity is a
great idea. As we know, good health
often starts with what we feed our
The best way to tell if you have a
food sensitivity is to elimi