Healthcare Hygiene magazine October 2019 | Page 29

leads to the implementation of inherently safer systems, where the risk of illness is substantially reduced. The traditional occupational health hierarchy was formally created in the 1960s for use in non-healthcare industries like manufacturing, mining and construction. It is used as the basis of federal and state occupational safety and health regulations, including the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). For example, the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard has resulted in unnecessary needles being eliminated wherever possible, reducing the risk of needlesticks. If a needle cannot be eliminated, can it be substituted for something less hazardous? This might mean using blunt fill needles to draw up medications from multi-dose vials. If a needle cannot be eliminated or substituted out, can it be engineered to be safer? Disposable hypodermic needles with sharps injury prevention features (e.g., sheathing or retracting needles) are a perfect example of engineering controls. If a needle cannot be engineered to be safer, are there work practices or administrative controls that can be put into place to reduce sharps injuries? This includes safe disposal practices and careful attention to surgical team safety when using no-hands or neutral zones for surgical instruments. If none of these controls can be out into place or there is still an exposure risk after the higher controls have been implemented, does personal protective equipment (PPE) need to be used? Must a single or double pair of gloves be worn? Is there risk of a blood splatter, necessitating a gown and/or eye protection be worn to protect someone at the patient bedside? PPE is the lowest and least effective control on the hierarchy for many reasons: ➊ It must be available to the healthcare worker when and where it is needed. It must be immediately accessible to them. ➋ The worker must make the decision to put it on. ➌ The worker must be properly educated about risk, so they are more likely to use it. ➍ The worker must be educated about how to properly put it on (don) and take it off (doff) and to safely dispose of PPE so as not to contaminate themselves or inadvertently expose anyone downstream (e.g., environmental services and waste haulers). ➎ The PPE must work. It cannot have gaps or tears or an undesirable level or permeability. ➏ Multiple pieces of PPE must be compatible. If a pro- cedure can result in a risk of a blood or body fluid splash or splatter (mucocutaneous), can eye protection be worn in an addition to a respirator? Or is the isolation or chemo gown long enough to cover the wrists in addition to glove use? ➐ Cost and disposal are concerns. Since most PPE is disposable, providing PPE everywhere it is needed can be costly and if it is not properly disposed of, it can pose a risk to workers downstream. And since PPE is disposable, are there additional occupational or environmental concerns when PPE materials (e.g., latex, nitrile, vinyl) are made? In infection prevention and control as well as in envi- ronmental safety and health, professionals have focused • october 2019 heavily on PPE use as required by contact, isolation and/or transmission-based precautions. Why do we focus on PPE for infection prevention and patient safety, often as a first line defense and not in occupational health and safety? Why do healthcare institutions focus on work practices like properly cleaning and disinfecting environmental surfaces and cleaning and sterilizing surgical instruments and manufactur- ers are not held accountable and responsible for ensuring their materials and products meet the demanding requirements and needs of healthcare facilities and professionals. There is a great deal that the infection prevention and environmental services community can learn from their occupational health and safety partners, including ways to integrate the hierarchy of controls into their processes, policies, and practices. Neither infection prevention nor occupational health have more resources than they need to reduce risks for the patients and providers they work to protect. The most effective programs are those that partner “across the aisle” and share not only resources, but expertise and experience. (Reference: archy/default.html) The Hierarchy of Controls: • Elimination: Physically remove the hazard; Institutional Controls: Culture of safety CLICK HERE FOR • Substitution: Replace the hazard Hierarchy • Engineering Controls: Isolate people from of Controls the hazard • Administrative Controls: Change the way people work and interactive with their environment • PPE: Protect the worker and patient with barrier controls Integrating the application of the Hierarchy of Controls to the Seven Aspects of Surface Selection look like this. It is believed that to reduce the risk of healthcare associated infections (HAIs) and occupationally associated infections (OAIs) one must clean, disinfect, and sterilize surfaces, devices, instruments, textiles, and patient care items better. This certainly is one aspect of the solution. Unfortunately, it will not adequately address the problem. When all aspects are included in the Hierarchy of Controls, a proactive strategy becomes clearer and more distinct. Patient and healthcare worker risks are minimized, and sustainable solutions and relationships can be realized. Linda Lybert is president of Healthcare Surface Consult- ing and the founder/executive director of the Healthcare Surfaces Institute.   Amber Hogan Mitchell, DrPH, MPH, CPH, is president and executive director of the International Safety Center and a member of the board of the Healthcare Surfaces Institute.   Glenda Schuh, RN, BSN, CIC, and Caroline Etland, PhD, MSN, reviewed this article. Schuh is a consultant in infection prevention and occupational health. Etland is currently an associate professor at the University of San Diego Hahn School of Nursing, and a clinical nurse specialist at Sharp HealthCare. They both serve as board members of the Healthcare Surfaces Institute. 29