Patients should feel empowered to speak up if they are not getting the care , they believe they need .”
“ Patients should feel empowered to speak up if they are not getting the care , they believe they need . But an individual patient is likely to feel intimidated in a hospital wearing a johnny ,” Binder says . “ This is why we need support for them including family and professional patient advocates , patient experience surveys that are ideally tied to payment , and places with authority to address problems patients encounter . We are supporting the National Patient Safety Board which will ensure patients have a platform and are listened to when they file complaints .”
Binder reminds us that there are penalties levied for the complications , adverse events , and infections that may result from missed care .
“ Hospitals are financially incentivized by the Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Services ( CMS ) to minimize their complications , adverse events , and infections ,” she says . “ A portion of the hospital ’ s Medicare revenue is at risk associated with the quality of care they deliver . So , hospitals do have both a clinical imperative and a financial imperative , to work to minimize the number of these events . It is inexcusable that for decades , our fee-for-service healthcare system had included perverse financial incentives for errors and accidents that harmed patients . The Affordable
Care Act gave us public reporting on safety by hospital ( for some hospitals ) and modest payment incentives . We could do much more , and we need employers and purchasers , along with third-party payors to be much more aggressive in tying payment strategies that reward excellence .”
References :
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Recio-Saucedo A , Dall ’ Ora C , Maruotti A , Ball J , Briggs J , Meredith P , Redfern OC , Kovacs C , Prytherch D , Smith GB , Griffiths P . What impact does nursing care left undone have on patient outcomes ? Review of the literature . J Clin Nurs . 2018 Jun ; 27 ( 11-12 ): 2248-2259 . doi : 10.1111 / jocn . 14058 . Epub 2017 Oct 16 . PMID : 28859254
Schubert M , Ausserhofer D , et al . Interventions to prevent or reduce rationing or missed nursing care : A scoping review . Journal of Advanced Nursing , 22 Oct 2020 , 77 ( 2 ): 550-564 . DOI : 10.1111 / jan . 14596
As a 35-year industry veteran , I provided oversight for instituting infection prevention and control programs to aide in the provision of a safe environment to protect patients , staff and visitors from acquiring an infection .
I can do the same for you !
Calabrese Consulting Services offers the following :
• Infection prevention program assessment
• Outbreak investigation assistance
• Environmental hygiene facility assessment
• Collaborate with medical device manufacturers
• High-level disinfection and sterilization
• Speaking services include national meetings , virtual speaking engagements , local chapter meetings and state conferences
• Operating room assessment ( infection prevention and environmental hygiene
• Policy and procedure development , review , revision
• Professional writing
• Mock survey for infection prevention and control
• Mentoring / coaching of new infection preventionist And much more !
My mission is to assist my clients in assessing , evaluating , and implementing measures to reduce the risk of infection .
My vision is to have a safer world with fewer infections , outbreaks and loss of life .
Contact me today ! carolacalabrese11 @ gmail . com www . infectionpreventionconsultant . com