Health & Wellness Magazine Live + Thrive Magazine - Summer 2018 | Page 20

65 SELF CARE SIMPLE WAYS TO PRACTICE SELF-CARE RIGHT NOW BY JONNIE DAVIS, EDITOR OF BLYSEE.COM HOW OFTEN do you forgot to take care of yourself; whether it’s taking an extra- long lunch break or indulging in your favorite dessert? We all need to take time to slow down and care for ourselves. It is not always easy when we are taking care of others and working hard to get everything done. When we forget to take care of ourselves, we often find ourselves exhausted, irritable and it becomes hard for us to be there for the people we love. HERE ARE IDEAS OF WHAT YOU CAN DO TO LOOK AFTER YOURSELF: When I was in school I was constantly running myself ragged trying to keep up with my heavy course load and my social life. I was always focused on my goals and the outrageous expectations I had set for myself. I forgot to take care of myself and ended up in the hospital on account of dehydration and exhaustion. My aching muscles were a huge reminder that I wasn’t showing myself enough love and attention. Self-care is a necessity; it’s not at all selfish. Don’t feel guilty for saying no to an invitation or a request when you need to take time out for yourself. You can’t truly be there for others if you are in a mental fog yourself. When you take good care of yourself, you are more likely to approach things with a clear head. The best thing you can do for your mind, body and soul is to take a break and show yourself some love “There are days I drop words of comfort on myself like falling leaves and remember that it is enough to be taken care of by my self.” - Brian Andreas 20 22. Binge watch your favorite Netflix show. 1. Burn your favorite scented candle. 23. Invite your best friend over for wine and cooking. 2. Take a long hot bath. 24. Do something that brings you joy. 3. Go for a walk in your favorite park. 25. Go to an art museum. 4. Make a gratitude list; write down everything you are thankful for. 26. Find some live music to listen to on a night out. 5. Bake your favorite dessert. 6. Give yourself a mani/pedi. 27. Sleep in for a couple of hours on the weekend. 7. Buy the full size of your favorite perfume. 28. Spend the whole day with your pet. 8. Buy yourself some fresh flowers. 29. Learn a new skill. 9. Treat yourself to a facial. 30. Plan a weekend getaway. 10. Do a digital detox. No electronics for a whole day. 31. Read your favorite book. 11. Declutter your space. 33. Do something out of your comfort zone. 12. Wear a high sunscreen. 34. Help someone with a small task. Open a door, carry a bag. 13. Don’t put yourself down. 14. Forgive others. 15. Get rid of toxic people. 16. Go on an intense uphill hike and appreciate the view at the top. 17. Practice mindfulness. 18. Listen to your favorite playlist. 19. Get outside in the sun. 32. Meditate. 35. Get dressed up and take yourself on a date. 36. Splurge a little. 37. Check in with your emotions. 38. Get positive feedback, ask four friends to tell you what they love about you. 39. Inhale your favorite smell. 20. Go on a lunch date with your grandmother. 40. Make a small healthy change in your diet; add something green, drink twice the amount of water. 21. Take your mom to dinner. 41. Go dancing.