questions and answers will help you choose when to seek care at a Sarah Bush Lincoln walk-in
clinic and when to go straight to the Emergency Department.
What is a walk-in clinic?
The purpose of a walk-in clinic is to complement the care you receive from your primary care
provider by offering same-day care when your regular provider is not available. A walk-in clinic
provides high-quality medical care for common, non-life-threatening conditions in people of all
What services are provided at the walk-in clinics?
Clinic providers treat people ages six months and older for medical conditions that need care
right away, but are not life-threatening. The clinics also offer diagnostic services like X-ray
and simple blood and urine tests. They also provide school physicals, sports physicals and flu
vaccinations. Walk-in clinics are not intended to treat chronic conditions or serious medical
conditions. Patients who appear with severe symptoms will be referred to the Emergency
Walk-in clinic personnel often treat:
• Common, non-life-threatening illnesses in children and adults
• Cold and flu
• Minor cuts or lacerations needing stitches
• Sprains, strains and simple fractures
• Earaches, sore throats and coughs
• Bladder infections
• Asthma and similar conditions that require breathing treatments
When should a person head straight to the emergency department?
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, then we encourage you to go straight to the
emergency department:
• Severe abdominal pain
• Chest pain
• Severe head injury
• Stroke-like symptoms
• Sudden, severe headache
• Shortness of breath
Trust your instinct. If you think it’s something serious, don’t hesitate; go to the nearest emergency
room or call 911.
Who will take care of me?
Skilled and friendly healthcare providers including nurse practitioners and physician assistants
staff our walk-in clinics. They are trained to do about 90 percent of what family physicians do.
Is a walk-in clinic more affordable than an emergency room visit?
A walk-in clinic visit is normally a lower cost choice than an emergency room visit. With many
insurance plans, walk-in clinic patients pay co-pays that are similar to what they pay for doctor
office visits.
Why is it important to have a primary care provider?
While walk-in clinics definitely provide a service, they are not a substitute for ongoing primary
medical care. Rather, primary care providers can deliver ongoing medical care and maintenance
to patients in a way that walk-in providers cannot. Any person who goes to a Sarah Bush Lincoln
walk-in clinic because he or she does not have a regular provider will be assisted in securing an
appointment with a provider whom he or she can continue to see.
Do I need an appointment?
No, people are seen on a first-come, first-served basis.
How long will I have to wait?
People are seen as quickly as possible, with wait times based on the number of people seeking
care and the seriousness of their conditions. Wait times can be viewed at
Sarah Bush Lincoln
Walk-In Clinics
2040 Lincoln Avenue
just east of IL Route 130
144 Dettro Drive
Mattoon Marketplace
1100 Tuscola Blvd.
US Route 36 in front of the Outlet Mall
A walk-in clinic is planned for the
new Casey Clinic as well.
7 am to 7 pm
Monday through Friday
8 am to 3 pm
Saturday and Sunday
november 2016
healthstyles 11