Q & A features Dan Bommelje , DO , medical director of SBL walk-in clinics .
When to use a Walk-In Clinic
Q & A features Dan Bommelje , DO , medical director of SBL walk-in clinics .
It ’ s 5:30 on a Friday night and your child has just returned from a friend ’ s house complaining of significant pain in his forearm . When he says he can ’ t bend his wrist , you immediately start considering your options . Should you “ wait and see ” or take a trip to the Emergency Department ? Could a walk-in clinic be the answer ?
Knowing the difference between the care provided at Sarah Bush Lincoln ’ s walk-in clinics and the care provided in the emergency department could mean the difference between life and death in a severe medical emergency . In less severe situations , it could mean getting the care you need without delay .
Walk-in clinics help fill a vital gap when people are sick or injured at times when their regular doctors are not available , explained Daniel Bommelje , DO , medical director of Sarah Bush Lincoln ’ s three walk-in clinics . “ Our walk-in clinics have spread like wildfire during the past three years ,” he said , noting that the clinics fill a community need for expanded medical care . The Mattoon and Charleston walk-in clinics exceeded 35,000 visits last year , a volume close to that of the SBL Emergency Department . Sarah Bush Lincoln opened another walk-in clinic in Tuscola in September and plans to develop one in Casey in the near future .
While the clinics provide a great service , Dr . Bommelje said there are distinct differences in the levels of care that are provided at walk-in clinics verses emergency departments . “ If your sudden illness or injury is something you would normally feel comfortable addressing with your primary care doctor , then the walk-in clinic is probably the best place to seek care ,” he said . “ We offer simple point-of-care testing – the same kind of testing that you would find at your doctor ’ s office .”
However , he stresses , “ A walk-in clinic is not a mini Emergency Department . We want you to know that if you ’ re having chest pain , if you ’ re short of breath , if you ’ re having abdominal pain , if you ’ re having the worst headache of your life , then you should go straight to the ER . Those types of complaints need the more complex workup that can only be done in the Emergency Department .” The ED is equipped and staffed for more complex or critical needs , including life-threatening situations ranging from heart attack and stroke to traumatic injuries . The following
10 healthstyles november 2016