Health & Medical Volume 1 April 2014 | Page 2



What is cloning?

By Eduardo Hernandez

Cloning an idea that started in 1938 by a German scientist called Hans Spemann. Spemann’s idea of cloning according to the article “Human Cloning” is removing an egg cell’s nucleus and putting a new one from an embryo” (Human cloning 1). Scientist had considered the idea of cloning a “fantastic experiment”, but was never done till several decades later. According to the same article of Human Cloning the definition of cloning is “taking a cell from an existing organism and using it to create another one with the same genetic coding”. To understand the process of cloning in detail lets break it down to simple steps. The first step in cloning is to obtain a cell

from the organ that want to be cloned into and an egg to put the cell in. Next step is to combine or how scientist call “fuses” the cell with the egg to create an embryo. The final step is to insert the created embryo into a mother so she can now start creating the clone.

Now, that we know how a clone can be created we can talk about what happened in 1997. A sheep called Dolly was successfully cloned. This completely shocked the world because people did not believe that cloning something that would happen far away from our time like the next century. This was not planned to happen in our time but scientist got the job done it took from 1938 till 1997 for it to happen which is nearly 60 years. Since this caught the world in shock, scientist from all over the world wanted to start cloning which the idea of human cloning began to rise.